Living Christmas Tree

well, thats just way cool!!!!!

Wow! That is awesome! I like it.
Pheasant, grouse, and turkey, huh?? Is this a Christmas tree .................. or a little BRAG on your family's shooting prowess??? :emoji_wink: :emoji_thumbsup:

Darcy fully involved, I suppose??
Love this idea!!! I convinced my wife that we should do this to add to a line of spruces next year!!! (Is that a 2-3' of a 3-4' potted plant?
Love this idea!!! I convinced my wife that we should do this to add to a line of spruces next year!!! (Is that a 2-3' of a 3-4' potted plant?

I would say it is 3 1/2' tall not including the ball. Any bigger than that and they are just to heavy to manage. I think this is like the fifth year we have done a balled tree, all the others are planted out at the farm as road screen and are doing well. This one will be planted at the new pond, it is a black hills spruce, this year was my turn to decorate it.

Here are some of the previous year trees;

View attachment 39357Our living Christmas tree that will be planted out at the farm in a couple weeks.

Decorated it with some of this years upland trophies.

Congratulations on the great bird hunting!

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