Yep. He is the only buck that I can positively say I have pictures of in multiple years. I HAVE to find time to hunt the rut next year. Two years in a row he was daylight on 11/5, 15 yards from my stand.That one is a dandy!
They get lots of use from all sorts of wildlife. And with our sand it doesn't take long to dig the hole for them. I need to add a couple more.Some good looking bucks, like your landscape pond I saw some on CL for cheap but didn't get them.
Our youngs ones are scrubby but with age some of them aren't bad ;). It's time for me to get serious about ensuring that I have time off work the first week of November. These guys just aren't seen when the sun is up after that.Nice pics guys. Bueller I thought u only had scrub bucks? Those guys are nasty. Enhance already known bedding areas with hinge cut pockets, and you will be primed to tag those bucks every year.
I've got him at a minimum of 4.5 also. Crazy thing is that his body characteristics have never screamed old to me. We have others that look much beefier with smaller racks.Just knowing that area like I do, I'm betting that the big boy is at least 4.5yo, you must get an arrow in him. Sure doesn't seem concerned with the mobile home in the background.
I am and I know where you are going with this ;). First full year of owning and hunting the place is nearly complete. Been taking it slow to learn the natural movements before I start changing things. I've got a pretty darn good idea of what's going on now.bueller, are you responsible for maintaining that barbwire fence?