Let's Lighten Things Up a Bit ... Laughter Can Be Good Medicine

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Thanks Bill, that was lol funny!!
An engaged couple met with their minister before their wedding. The minister said he would gladly marry them, but he said he required them to remain abstinent until the wedding night.

They met again a week later and he asked them how the abstinence thing was going.

The man looked at him dismayed and said, "I have a confession. The other night I was with my fiance and she dropped a can of green beans. She bent over to pick it up, and I lost it. I couldn't help myself, we tore each others clothes off and made love right there on the floor"

The minister shook his head and said, "I'm sorry but abstinence was part of the deal here. I'm afraid I won't be able to officiate your wedding"

The wife-to-be sheepishly grinned and said "Ya, we're not allowed back into that grocery store either."
First one didn’t last long.
Let’s see how long this last before zuckerburg’s cancel culture gets their panties in bunch.


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My Wife and Daughter

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Whew! I was afraid of coming to the airport.
Now that I’m here I’m at ease because we’re all protected by this.
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