Let's Lighten Things Up a Bit ... Laughter Can Be Good Medicine

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I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but I have been soaking this for almost 10 days now and I don't see any roots forming yet. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to get this thing to start growing?

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I talked with a friend and he is having great success getting his started. He said to use Brawndo instead of water since Brawndo has what plants crave. I cannot find any Brawndo at the stores though. Any ideas?

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They need to be stratified in the fridge from 60-90 days at 34-39 degrees
Then soak them in water for 24 hrs to rehydrate
Use soilless media and sprinkle with osmocote when top growth

Still one of the best!!
“They need to be stratified in the fridge from 60-90 days at 34-39 degrees.”

I read that two ply needs to be stratified, but that one ply paper did not need to be stratified. One ply can be planted as soon as the roll is done. We finished off our last roll today, so I am going to try distilled water this time. Someone mentioned that the salts in hard water may be interfering with germination. One ply is a fast grower, but I need to see some results ASAP. Taco Tuesday is just a couple of days away.
Week two of home with the kids. Oldest just tricked youngest into eating a spoon full of cocoa powder. Me and the youngest are plotting her revenge. Good times in this nightmare.
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