Killing Privet with controlled fire

Hey I'm new to this forum and I'm familiar with several techniques for controlling chinese privet and other invasives. However, I haven't seen anything about using fire. Does any one have any experience or knowledge about wiping out privet with a controlled fire. I'm curious if it responds well to fire and grows back similar to being cut or if the fire kills it for good. I have a couple areas where I could safely cut the trees and then burn everything on top of the roots/stumps. Thoughts? Thanks.
Experience-wise, I can't speak to the effectiveness of fire in killing privet (I basal spray Garlon ester). While I have seen fire result in killing privet, I've never purposefully applied fire to kill it. That being said, privet has a relatively thin/smooth bark so I'd think fire would indeed be effective just be sure every stem in the colony gets scorched.
Privet lays down little slick leaves that don’t want to burn. You will have a tough time just carrying a fire through a privet thicket.

Individual plants in a native grass field would be hurt, but you’d have a much more intense fire. It really helps that privet holds its leaves and doesn’t really go dormant.

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