Killing pigs in China (video)

If I go to China in the near future BLT’s won’t be on the menu
Translation of text ... While the killing of a giraffe can get most of Denmark on the other end, in China one has a slightly different approach to animal welfare. Here, swine fever is eradicated by burying the animals alive.

What is your point?
That is crazy! Pork prices have jumped in the US as a result.
I saw more video of the Chinese burning pigs alive. It's awful. Sure don't need that Commie nation to get any more powerful.
I have heard estimates as high as 200 million hogs being killed. They are killing off more hogs than the entire US hog industry. And its African Swine Flu, not Asian. They are truly disgusting how they are dealing with it. If you like pork I would highly consider buying right now.

Translation of text ... While the killing of a giraffe can get most of Denmark on the other end, in China one has a slightly different approach to animal welfare. Here, swine fever is eradicated by burying the animals alive.

What is your point?

"Aflivning" is more like euthanasia in this context. His point is that people in Denmark (and other Western countries) throw an absolute fit when one giraffe, lion (Cecil), gorilla (Harambe), etc. is humanely killed, but they ignore the mass abuse of livestock. He's pointing out the hypocrisy of the media/society's attitude toward charasmatic megafauna vs. livestock and other animals.