Kid fun recommendations


5 year old buck +
I am planning on taking my grandkids somewhere fun for a couple weeks next summer. My oldest grandson wants to go shark fishing, other than that, we just need a fun area, or resort that will have plenty of kid activities. The kids age range from 12-3. I was thinking Myrtle Beach, Miami, or Galveston, but open to other ideas.

Any recommendations to where, and what to do at a certain area?

My wife, and the kids parents will also be a long, so it won’t be just me.
Branson, MO? Or CO Springs?

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Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge/Cherokee area of the Smoky Mountains National Park is nice. I like Cades Cove.
Kids always want to do what they had fun out in the past, for example watch a movie that they watched several times and liked or go to the park that they enjoyed last week. I would suggest to do the opposite give them new experiences, they will love it and remember it. It could be explore a cave, fish for shark, camp out, mountain bike, white water raft, canoe a river, gig bullfrogs, or just about anything else just make it something new and oh yea make it involve nature. This is the way I roll.
A thought I had was take them to Miami, shark fish, then a tour through the Everglades in an airboat, do some of the Everglades hands on stuff, then find some sort of amusement park in the area.

My wife wasn’t very excited over my idea with the Everglades, she isn’t a snake fan, and has no interest in going on a tour where she may see a snake.
Yeah, I missed the shark thing. Scratch CO or MO… I enjoyed Louisiana. Been to New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Good food, gators, and probably good fishing access.

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This may be an unpopular opinion, and I hate bringing it up. But, I like Disney World. I don't even care for the company or their wokeness, but I can't help to really enjoy going there. Maybe because I've been going since probably about 1975 and have always had a great time. If you do go, be prepared for more of a mission instead of a relaxing vacation. There's lots to pack into the time, and lack of preparation and detailed planning can make for a less than stellar trip. But, my family really enjoys the times we've had there.
Kids seem to like water parks and amusement parks.

Taking my kids and grandkids all to Cumberland falls next week for six days, rented a big cabin, kind of relaxing...a few waterfalls to check out, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, nice swimming pool, decent size lake close by with a beach and restaurants. Daneil Boone National Forest down the road so can check out Boonesborough on the way there.
if you were closer my Son would love to take them shark fishing. He started shark fishing off the beach in this spot..
few days ago.

Now he goes in the boat. Funny he grew up loving to swim in the ocean but won't even go in now.
Miami isn't much of a tourist area. The glades are really pretty boring, just a huge cattail swamp for the most part.

One of the best family vacations we did was Wisconsin Dells. We loved the water slides, go carts, great weather, etc.

If you go the Everglades route, I have a buddy with an airboat that does tours.
Well being I live in Wisconsin, and am just a couple hours from the dells, probably 3, it wouldn’t be much of a vacation. But I agree, the Dells is a fun area for kids. That is on my list to take them too. But I was waiting until the younger ones got a little older, but the problem, I keep getting new younger ones.
I’m sure one of my neighbors would let them come up and shoot 110” 10 pointers if that strikes their fancy.

I echo Ben, I hate to admit that i had a good time at Disney. Watching how much fun my girl had made it a great trip.
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But I was waiting until the younger ones got a little older, but the problem, I keep getting new younger ones.
So you are saying we should put together a GoFundMe to get you guys cable so you have something else to do?

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So you are saying we should put together a GoFundMe to get you guys cable so you have something else to do?

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Well these are grandkids, so maybe for my kids.
I'm never doing the disney thing. But I do plan to take the fam to Big Cedar Lodge in MO sometime soon. Two weeks seems like a long time to stay anywhere, especially with 3 year olds. Could do a handful of days at Big Cedar and hit the Dells for a couple days on the way back home. This museum looks neat...

I took the youngest boy and his basketball team shark fishing a few yrs ago. It was a blast, but the best part was catching the bait. Non-stop action while bait fishing kept them entertained and laughing. The actual shark was cool but wasn't the laughs the good times the bait fishing was.
What about Packers training camp and then the Dells. That would be a good trip for all ages and then you can take the older kids shark fishing another time or different week/weekend.

Also there is an amusement park near Green Bay that is cheap and has stuff for kids in the 3-12 range.
If you do go the Florida route you need to include a day at an alligator park, another one paddle boarding with the manatees, a drive thru safari park, Fun Spot America theme park if you want to avoid Disney, Dinosaur World, Legoland water park, and tons more.