5 year old buck +
Posted the thread "life of a young apple tree in bear country" earlier in the summer. The bears finally snapped that dolgo tree off at the ground. Have 3 remaining trees of the 5 Dolgo I planted about 8 years ago along this field. Checking trail cameras this morning and see they got another one. If breaking it off half way up wasn't enough, they ripped the cage off the tree which allowed a buck to work it over. Ugh! Nothing like getting kicked while you are down! These trees are well established now and history says this will probably come back strong, one of the remaining three trees was snapped off like this 2 years ago and has grown back so quickly you wouldn't know it was damaged. This one is probably going to be a bit ugly from here on out, not sure where a new leader will come from on it.
Been a rough year. Also found one of my 25 year old Liberty trees this morning that had a dead ash fall on it and bust it up pretty good. The top half of that tree and a few other close ones look pretty sick/dead after being worked over by Sapsuckers this spring. Should have taken some pictures of those as well but was pretty well disgusted at that point.
Been a rough year. Also found one of my 25 year old Liberty trees this morning that had a dead ash fall on it and bust it up pretty good. The top half of that tree and a few other close ones look pretty sick/dead after being worked over by Sapsuckers this spring. Should have taken some pictures of those as well but was pretty well disgusted at that point.