Just some apple pics

I love bosc pears and am considering a tree, does bosc get fire blight?
Yes 2 years ago one of my Bosc pear trees had FB but now it's producing small quantities of pears. The 2 trees next to it had nothing so you can decide based on those inputs
No pears this year do to frost but got a winesap that has looked clean all year.

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I love bosc pears and am considering a tree, does bosc get fire blight?

I just ordered a bosc earlier today... I'm going to put in another dozen pear trees this fall to cover a few varieties I hadn't planted yet and because I'm hopelessly addicted to apple/pear trees now! Every time I point to a new spot and tell the wife I could fit a row of trees in here or there she just rolls her eyes.
Here are a couple Florina Querina trees that I benchgrafted spring of 2015 with scionwood from Aero. The one on G222 has one apple. There are 3 apples on the much larger tree on P18. Both apples look very clean.
Florina Querina on P18 - 2015 benchgraft with 3 pretty apples in there.jpg Florina Querina on G222 - 2015 benchgraft with 1 pretty apple.jpg
Here is a Dabinett on B118 that I bought from Cummins in 2015. Hard to see the lowest branch sticking out toward the camera is completely defoliated. Found a horde of yellownecked caterpillars on this tree and cleaning out the top of a Centennial Crab. Smoked them with Pyrethrin but will need my dad to keep an eye out for more.

Dabinett on B118, 2015 tree from Cummins.jpg
Aero - Are you selling any by the roadside ??
Aero - Are you selling any by the roadside ??
Haven't yet and I am going out of country for 10 days so will put those HC's in storage until I get back and try to sell some. I think you can get 50 bucks or more per bushel of HC. I have a ton of Cortland ripening now and I just made some HC pure cider from the bruised and ugly ones. Man is it good especially in a martini lol. I have picked 4 but of HC so far and have another 10 or so still on trees but are bit smaller
Do any of you guys have a picture of a larger enterprise tree?
I should have taken some photos today at Cornell Orchards after having an appt in Ithaca. They had Zestar, Sweetango, Gala, Mac, Ginger Gold and Sansa for sale. I picked up some Zestar and Harrow Crisp pears and a T-shirt. They also had quite a few peaches too.

Thanks aero. That tree looks great. Was hoping to see a full shot of the growth spread and limbs etc. all my enterprise have the same kind of look that's is different than most other trees, hard to describe it. It's weird how different varieties have such different growth patterns
Birds and insects have been working on what I still have in the trees. Winecrisp aren't ripe yet but most apples have a big hole in them Hopefully still have a couple good ones to try in a couple weeks. I saw a Goldrush apple that was all hollowed out with yellow jacket working in it but not most were not damaged yet. A wickson crab was just a see through ring. Dolgo tree from Cummins mostly rotten and still hanging at the beginning of archery season.

Winecrisp apples
like most of the winecrisp.jpg

See through wickson crab
wickson eaten up.jpg

Goldrush on tree
goldrush 10_01_17.jpg

dolgo done.jpg
You need a better spray protocol chickenlittle
Not really interested in a spraying program.
Even if I were interested in spraying more, those trees are 90 miles from my house. They won't get any sustained babying. Just the occasional Sevin for aphids, Japanese beetles, or caterpillars.
Even if I were interested in spraying more, those trees are 90 miles from my house. They won't get any sustained babying. Just the occasional Sevin for aphids, Japanese beetles, or caterpillars.
Even once or twice a month will improve fruit quality. My trees are 60 miles away and I probably averaged 2 1/2 times per month and even then you don't get 100% guarantee but it sure helps significantly and gets you healthier trees for the future if you prevent diseases and insect damage to the trees themselves. That is a good distance away so whatever works for you is great
My trees at camp are 135 miles away. I try to get them sprayed every 2 to 3 weeks in the summer - bug spray only. I can't baby-sit them either. 95% of our trees are DR types to minimize disease problems and cut down spray regimens.