Just finished the garage build at the cabin


5 year old buck +
Just finished having our garage built at the cabin. No more storing wheelers and snowmobiles in the basement of the cabin.

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Nice looking cabin you have, congrats on the garage.
Thanks, now I have to talk the wife into letting me get a tractor!
Get the tractor first convince her later.
Get the tractor first convince her later.
Think I've used up all my " it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" moments over the years.
I didn't know there was a limit to that scheme, good to know;)
Beautiful buildings you have there.
Looks nice, really nice.
Nice place!

Think I've used up all my " it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" moments over the years.

Do what I do. Fill the garage with so much crap that a new item isn't even noticed.
Very nice.
Nice. Something about clean empty garage make me smile, bet it won't look like that for long.
Nice barn! Good job.
Great looking spread Ogema!
Nice looking place. It wont take long to fill that garage, seems no matter how large you build them they seem to fill up quickly.
Thanks guys!