Just 1

I bought the sprayer, all I have is a lawn roller for now but I’ll keep an eye out for a cultipacker. I have 50 pounds of Buckwheat and 50 pounds of Sun Hemp to start the first planting in the 1 acre plot.
Thank you all for the advice, much appreciated!

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Now all you have to do is arrange for financing for your Glysophate :emoji_fearful: :emoji_grin:
Now all you have to do is arrange for financing for your Glysophate :emoji_fearful: :emoji_grin:
Yep, they were having a 1 for 3 sale on gly at my coop. I got 1 barrel of gly for the price of 3 last year. :emoji_relaxed:
I sprayed on May 7th and I did get seed out on Sunday the 15th (probably should have taken pics and put them in my land tour). I planted 50 pounds of Buckwheat, 50 pounds of Sun Hemp and 8 pounds of red Clover. It has rained off and on the last 2 days so I should see some green in the sea of yellow/brown in the next week or so.
My first food plot ever so I have my fingers crossed and staying optimistic for now.
I sprayed on May 7th and I did get seed out on Sunday the 15th (probably should have taken pics and put them in my land tour). I planted 50 pounds of Buckwheat, 50 pounds of Sun Hemp and 8 pounds of red Clover. It has rained off and on the last 2 days so I should see some green in the sea of yellow/brown in the next week or so.
My first food plot ever so I have my fingers crossed and staying optimistic for now.

One suggestion is make sure you clean out your sprayer with water & dish soap. Run it trough the sprayer, tubes, & spray heads. Also make sure you empty and don't leave unused spray solution in the tank as it will build up a film that will clog your nozzles.
Trouble Trees,

If you fill that lawn roller with sand, you probably can get by without buying a cultipacker.

Also, if buying a mower engine. The swisher uses that signle piston B&S motor. It has splash lubrication, so it deosnt get oil well on steep hills. Consider buying a new engine with pressurized oil system / filter instead. Alot of those B&S motors don't live too long.
Trpuble Trees,

Where are you locted? May 5th and no leaves on the trees for a 5a zone?

For years I made food plots with just a weedwacker up north, or just a lawn tractor at home. If Your food plot area isn't too wild, you could probably spread seed, roll the roller, then run your lawn mower through there, and maybe roll again. You'll get good contact with that.

I am looking to get a lawn roller myself. You roller, is it one of those Brinley ones? How thick is the plastic? Worried it may not survive a rock here n there for too long.
Trpuble Trees,

Where are you locted? May 5th and no leaves on the trees for a 5a zone?

For years I made food plots with just a weedwacker up north, or just a lawn tractor at home. If Your food plot area isn't too wild, you could probably spread seed, roll the roller, then run your lawn mower through there, and maybe roll again. You'll get good contact with that.

I am looking to get a lawn roller myself. You roller, is it one of those Brinley ones? How thick is the plastic? Worried it may not survive a rock here n there for too long.

I used one for a while. It lasted a few years before it cracked. Epoxy got me one or two more uses. I lawn roller accomplishes two things. It presses the seed into the ground to improve seed/soil contact and it compresses enough to remove air pockets. In addition to doing those two things, a cultipacker puts an uneven surface on the soil to prevent rain from running off. The ridges or dimples (depending on the wheels) accomplish this.

A lawn roller is certainly better then nothing. It is not in the same class with a cultipacker in terms of durability. I picked up a couple used cultipackers. I found a company name and model number on one. I called the company. They have not made cultipackers since the 1950s and mine is still going strong! https://habitat-talk.com/index.php?threads/cultipacker-finally.12178/


For now, I need to take care of my lawn. I got a bad disc in my neck and running the zero turn over this old orchard is bothering it every time. For the home food plot, I have heavier clay, often have flooding issues, and have enough garden hose for irrigation. The wife also likes to play bocce ball.

She has been on the fence whether she will be selling the house, or keeping it. I live an hour away. With the housing market kind of stalled out on inflated prices, and the economy gonna poop a good bit more in the next couple years, I gave up my fight...... $5 a gas hour commute each way........ Making the place for me now. Nice lawn and garden, replacing old apple trees, more garage space, and probably upgrading the fishing boat. I live 1 mile away from the hudson river. Spring Striped Bass spawn is a great time to fish. 16ft row boat and a 20hp outboard is great for bass up in the adinrodacks, but rough in choppy open rivers.

Up North, cultipacker would be much better and I plan on getting one for up there. I am making another 2 food plots up there in log landings. If the drunken goof balls joy ride much more in the plots, I might be leaving the club all together. I have a only me 450 acre food plot to hunt already. Up North the deer have plenty of places to hide, but the hunter to hunted ratio isn't great in those clubs. Poor nutrition means they need more years to make decent horns, and they dont live that long up there. Also, seclusion means the green light for poaching too. Ill hear a fluke gun shot in september in the background, when there's no small game season.
Where are you locted?
If you look at NY state on a map, I am smack in the middle. If you look at a USDA hardiness zone map there is a finger of zone 4B that dips south, I am also in the middle of that finger.

I did start rolling with my brothers lawn roller but I already put 2 large dents in it so I will have to forgo that part now. This year is my first with a food plot so I just kept driving my 4-wheeler over it to press the seed down.
If you look at NY state on a map, I am smack in the middle. If you look at a USDA hardiness zone map there is a finger of zone 4B that dips south, I am also in the middle of that finger.

I did start rolling with my brothers lawn roller but I already put 2 large dents in it so I will have to forgo that part now. This year is my first with a food plot so I just kept driving my 4-wheeler over it to press the seed down.
I live in germantown near hudson/catskill. I work over in Gilboa. My hunting camp is north of old forge right next to the stillwater reservoir. My camp is at intersection 150 at the edge of the old forge trail system. Just did the math $200 there n back with the enclosed trailer.