
Tonights batch included (2) new tests for me...

The meat was the last of a beef I bought. Round Steak. I made some in the slow cooker a couple weeks ago and it was terrible. Not sure why other than round steak can be a tough cut.

The other first for me was do dry it out in the oven (usually borrow a friends dehydrator) at 170 degrees until it's ready.

I tested a couple small pieces already and I can tell it isn't going to last. It's really good.
thanks john.. Great looking jerky. I appreciated the Kraut post!! Man that looks like some amazing stuff!!

Yea.. spices are a BIG deal in the world. India is a HUGE importer of spices and you can google India spices and see the conditions that these people employ for their products. When there are people that I personally know that have boots on the ground and have SOP's and a process in place for imported products they are successful. There is a reason McCormick is a little higher in price than the store brand. The store brand or off brand is looking for a void to fill and the co packer may not have those stringent guidelines that McCormick would have in place. Do you think that a private label manufacturer of black pepper has boots on the ground in India exploring and investigating their supply chain from cradle to grave? NOT! I can tell you McCormick does! One other little tidbit on spices, ALMOST ALL major food companies like the worlds largest snack company exclusively use those seasonings for corn chips, potato chips, and corn extruded products. Someday that curtain is going to be retracted and 20/20 will be on site and some hidden expose is going to make america puke their dinner up.

The next piece.. the fleecing of america on Whole Foods and humanely raised chickens!! If anyone buys a humanely raised chicken at whole foods should have their head examined. Paying 6.99 a pound for chicken raised in the same building as any other bird, but that building has a bale of Hay or an exercise ball in it as "indoor enrichment activities for the birds". Plus during the slaughter process when the birds are placed in the shackles and they hit the electric bath, in ordered to be considered humane it's like 98 out of 100 must not come through with a broken leg in the shackles and must hit the bath before there throats are slit. So, bird 99 has a broken leg, missed the bath, and missed the complete throat slit. Ok.. it's acceptable and we can still charge 6.99 a pound of this one. LOL Whole Foods uses GAP the global animal partnership to "certify" their proteins. Now understand that I am all for humanely treated animals!! But, the "board" of GAP has a seat for the current CEO of whole foods and two of the largest protein suppliers. Don't you think it's a conflict of interest??? Ya think? It's a fricking country club of the good ol' boy's and gal's! I have a really close friend that has to deal with this all the time as they are required to have certain levels of humanely raised products. They are at the point with GAP of calling it BS and are almost exclusively using "Certified Humane"(r) not the term humanely raised. Look up GAP level 3 chicken, "indoor enrichment" folks, you are paying 6.99 for a bale of hay!! Welcome to the fleecing of america!
I remember this thread every time I buy spices. McComick for me or it doesn't get bought. Good info.
I've never tried to make it. No dehydrator.
We make it in a smoker with apple wood. Secret recipe for the brine that even I don't know. My buddy could tell me the recipe, but then he would have to kill me afterward.
We slice the meat in thick chunks and it ends up moist and tender. The stuff is amazing! You should taste it when it is hot and right out of the smoker.
No offense intended, but the ground meat version made in a dehydrator doesn't come close to chunks made in a smoker.
I just finished the last of 2015 jerky 10 minutes ago. I'm already going into withdrawal.
I just made a batch, pretty damn good. I started with two racks in the smoker. Moved bottom rack into oven after 1 hour, moved top rack thirty minutes later. Finished in oven for about three hours on 150.
2 tbls onion powder
2 tbls garlic powder
2 tbls season salt
1 tsp black pepper
1tsp liquid smoke
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup Worcestershire
1/2 tsp or more cayenne (optional)
Marinade for 24-48 hours.
Easy recipe and it is the best jerky I have had. Smoker adds a nice touch and it is low on salt.
Add me to the list of those that have never tried to make jerky. No dehydrator and no smoker. But after reading these posts I'm going to have to try a batch in the oven.
Add me to the list of those that have never tried to make jerky. No dehydrator and no smoker. But after reading these posts I'm going to have to try a batch in the oven.
I made it in the oven for years. Liquid smoke turns a oven into a smoker (almost). Seriously though, get a smoker. It will change your life. When you cook on it you don't mind having the in-laws over;)
I made it in the oven for years. Liquid smoke turns a oven into a smoker (almost). Seriously though, get a smoker. It will change your life. When you cook on it you don't mind having the in-laws over;)

I ran into a youtube video where they author said he prefers "smoked paprika" rather than liquid smoke (my recipe already calls for paprika anyway).

The top round roasts I bought today on sale for $4 per pound will get a little smoked paprika when they turn into jerky!

I also bought a couple of pans with wire racks at wallmart today. Much easier than the cookie cooling racks I used yesterday.

High on my list is to build/buy a smoker. It isn't practical at our house, and I wouldn't use it enough at the cabin. Once I move to my property, I WILL have a smoker.

I ran into a youtube video where they author said he prefers "smoked paprika" rather than liquid smoke (my recipe already calls for paprika anyway).

The top round roasts I bought today on sale for $4 per pound will get a little smoked paprika when they turn into jerky!

I also bought a couple of pans with wire racks at wallmart today. Much easier than the cookie cooling racks I used yesterday.

High on my list is to build/buy a smoker. It isn't practical at our house, and I wouldn't use it enough at the cabin. Once I move to my property, I WILL have a smoker.

I actually don't use my smoker much anymore. I prefer the grill dome. It is easier to control the temp from 200-800 degrees so I can do two meals in one day. I usually cook something like burgers for lunch and then crank it down and smoke something for dinner. Highly recommend.
I actually don't use my smoker much anymore. I prefer the grill dome. It is easier to control the temp from 200-800 degrees so I can do two meals in one day. I usually cook something like burgers for lunch and then crank it down and smoke something for dinner. Highly recommend.
What is a grill dome?

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What is a grill dome?

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It is a knock off of the Green Egg but it is built better. You can use charcoal or wood and it allows you to hold a constant temp for a very long period of time.
You guys sucked me in. Im using what I have. The oven.

This could turn out badly but for my first try I wont be upset.


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Guys - John mentioned on post #29 smoked paprika. Hint: try some on deviled eggs. Killer. In chile recipe: extra hearty taste. Add to dry rub for pork, ribs, beef. Ho, baby !!! :)

Side-track over.