Jeff Sturgis Video On Parallel Features


5 year old buck +
Watch good many habitat videos and find them to vary quite a bit in quality of information shared.

Really liked this one. Fairly concise, good graphical representations shared, and multiple points of wisdom put forth that I've found to be true and worth consideration.


I am sitting in a stand tonight watching over a five acre wheat field. So far, six have entered from the SE corner, fed, and exited SE corner. Three have entered from NE corner, fed, and exited back NE corner. Two have entered mid way and fed straight across and exited other side. Still have another hour of daylight - still time for one to come in and do as Mr Sturgis says.
Makes sense. Jeff has been talking lines of movement for years.
Two have entered mid way and fed straight across and exited other side. Still have another hour of daylight - still time for one to come in and do as Mr Sturgis says.

I see that all the time! Straight across. But I will say Jeff’s also big on narrow winding plots. He drew one in his first illustration. I’ve heard him say they follow those better than big wide plots.
The plot I am in this evening is about 1000 ft long and 200 ft wide - winding - almost “U” shaped. Ended up seeing 28 - from one to seven in a bunch. Not a one came into plot and walked to one of the ends. Most came in and went back out same spot.