Japanese Beetle grubs.


5 year old buck +
What can I do to get rid of these things before they mature?

My dogs love them! They dig up half the yard looking for them.
If it's in your lawn use Grub X now for control in June when they crawl out of the sod
Thanks. I'm going to try some but don't know how well it will look. After researching it looks like they can come from as far as a mile away. So even if I kill all the grubs in my fruit tree plot, I'll probably still end up with beetles from elsewhere.

Weird thing is I tilled my garden yesterday and didn't see a single one there.
Hang those bait bags a few hundred yards from your orchard. I have huge beetle problems because the neighbor on both sides of me put those bags out. I talked them out of it last year and we had no beetles. Those bags were all over the rest of the development.
Those bait bags are the biggest scam I have ever seen. If you want beetles in your area hang those out.
Perhaps these were the larvae of Rose Chafer beetles as I have tons of them now. Wiped out my wife's rose blossoms in just a day or two. Sprayed my fruit trees, chestnut trees, and garden last week, which has slowed them down a lot. It appears i mssed this cherry tree though.

I suspect I have those Rose Chafe beetles as well the last few days. I smacked them with a round of Sevin today.
Sevin seems to leave a white residue on baby tree leaves

Any issue with this?

I was going to try grub ex this spring, but everything I read says it's much more effective in the fall.

One reason they might not be in the garden is they like to drop eggs in the grassy areas. The garden with bare soil is not a preferred egg laying spot.

I have been watching for those little buggers to hatch and show up on the fruit trees so I can hit them with Sevin ASAP. Seems to be a late hatch this year. I was hoping maybe I killed them all the last 3 years.
They should start showing up in about weeks in my area
I use a product called milky spore. It is expensive but lasts about 10 years and we didn't have Japanese beadles since 51Io5GRzsNL._SY400_.jpg

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I use a product called milky spore. It is expensive but lasts about 10 years and we didn't have Japanese beadles since

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May have to try that. They just started emerging at the house. I sprayed the bushes and plants they attack with Permithrin yesterday.
I use a product called milky spore. It is expensive but lasts about 10 years and we didn't have Japanese beadles since View attachment 13606

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I have been researching this product and it sure sounds like the ticket. Thanks for posting. I am going to get some and get it applied. I hate these dang things!!!
I have been researching this product and it sure sounds like the ticket. Thanks for posting. I am going to get some and get it applied. I hate these dang things!!!
I have heard that it is not as effective in colder regions as the spores require soil temps above 65 degrees to be active.