Another good shed hunt on 120 acres in South Central Iowa. We found 4 within the first 20 minutes.... 13 total for the weekend + another four shed antlers that were from previous years. Average size was good, although no giants. Most of the sheds were 2 and 3 year old bucks, with possibly one buck that was 4 years old.
Here are some photos.
I'll attach one photo of a crossing near a creek that had the most deer tracks and sign that I have ever seen in my life.
Very nice. Its good to see that shed hunting is more entertaining in states whose initials aren't MN. I've put in over 20 hours and my wife has put in about 10...and we've found one set of 3 pointer sheds :oops:
There were quite a few guys out shed hunting their farms and on public, I know it stimulates the economy quite a bit for all those guys staying in hotels and spending money in small towns.
There were quite a few guys out shed hunting their farms and on public, I know it stimulates the economy quite a bit for all those guys staying in hotels and spending money in small towns.