Injured antler


5 year old buck +
Check this spike out up close. His rt antler is going down and forward. A couple days earlier it was a normal upwards spike. He must have got in a scrap or been hit by a car? Bet that hurt. CB470F21-BA04-4A6E-80FF-88E011CA44F8.jpeg86527651-9CF6-49D9-B8EC-62E901DBE983.png
Wonder if it will affect next year's antler growth.
Looks like a deformity.
I had one that looks a lot like yours a couple years ago but he was like that when he was in velvet, I saw him a few times during season and he did'nt appear hurt in anyway. After the season we never saw him again so I'm not sure what happened to him if he was shot or his antlers just grew normal after that year.

Do you have a camera on my place lol! C39F172B-9783-4CE7-A188-AAB2BBB1D203.jpeg