
Look at that birds expression. He did that on purpose.
Look at that birds expression. He did that on purpose.
I understand the bird's frustration. For the last month that doe has been hogging that water hole for her and her fawn. She hangs out there all day and night. I can barely get pictures of any other deer on it and this spot is usually a great inventory location for me. She and her fawn held their ground and remained at waters edge after that turkey landed and stayed there well after the turkey moved on.
That looks scarier when its headed for your windshield....

Great Pic!
bueller, that doe will bust you eventually, she looks to be the local nanny from what you describe, hopefully she doesn't make her offspring too smart. I can't believe you don't have a ladder stand in that big oak in the background........;)
bueller, that doe will bust you eventually, she looks to be the local nanny from what you describe, hopefully she doesn't make her offspring too smart. I can't believe you don't have a ladder stand in that big oak in the background........;)

There is a straighter one about ten yards away, just out of view in the top left corner. There IS a ladder stand on that tree. It sits on edge of a food plot with the water hole off my left shoulder, great shooting angle.
Sneaky, conniving, tree stand predator-type ^^^^^ ............. even down to the shot angle. My kind of guy !!! ;):cool: