If You have back problems........have a look.

I was starting to buy in until the talk of it making you longer started. Now it sounds like one of those pill advertisement I used to get before spam filtering. :D

Seriously though, I told my wife to look into it. She was a floor nurse for 20 years and at 5' 2" she strained her back more than few times lifting patients.
My wife was a nurse for 40 years. The last 15 years she did home health and had to handle patients by herself all the time. She now uses the table but not as regularly as I do. The real secret of the table helping is to lay on it and relax. That might sound simple, but it takes some time to get used to. Once you trust it to help and then begin to relax, it is great. At this time I do about 80% incline for 30 minutes at a time. I try to time it so I do my therapy right before I go to bed. I also sleep a lot better and more restful than I have in many years.
^ Wow. I only do about 10 minutes at a time. I do try to relax my muscles.....but I would need to work up to a thirty minute gig. I know I am a bit taller with these treatments......as I have had to adjust my table to my size in order to be able to invert on it. The table is very sedative to balance. All I know is that I have no lower back pain now.....and I played golf again today. :D Don't think that would have been possible without the inversion / decompression treatments.

Feels good to be pain free. :)
^ All I know is that I have no lower back pain now.....and I played golf again today. :D

Feels good to be pain free. :)

Did it make your game any better?