If you have a minute

Saying prayers. Good Lord willing, he'll be OK.
Update on my son’s friend. He has been moved out of ICU but still has a long road ahead of him. The most serious injuries were to his liver and diaphragm but he has been a fighter and is making progress. The drunk posted his $10,000 bond and will be back in court for his arraignment. I’m really proud of my son as he took it upon himself to start raising money for the family by starting a gift card drive. A local gas station teamed up with him and they already have raised over $2500 in donations. A tv station interviewed him for a story on his friend. https://www.wbay.com/content/news/C...-aid-of-teen-hit-by-motorcycle-492341961.html
That's good news on Henry's condition improving and it is great that he has so much support from the community to help him over the long haul. Tyson comes off as a very articulate, mature and caring young man who should make his parents very proud. Best of luck to Henry, his family and the supporting community as he works toward a full recovery.
Update on my son’s friend. He has been moved out of ICU but still has a long road ahead of him. The most serious injuries were to his liver and diaphragm but he has been a fighter and is making progress. The drunk posted his $10,000 bond and will be back in court for his arraignment. I’m really proud of my son as he took it upon himself to start raising money for the family by starting a gift card drive. A local gas station teamed up with him and they already have raised over $2500 in donations. A tv station interviewed him for a story on his friend. https://www.wbay.com/content/news/C...-aid-of-teen-hit-by-motorcycle-492341961.html
Kudos to your son! Actions like that are something to be proud of. Hopefully he can keep the ball rolling and hopefully his friend has a full recovery.
4 dui and now a fatality and this guys bond is 10K?????? Are you kidding me?? Plus the fatality is a kid???? That is absolutely not fair. That guy should spend the rest of his life behind bars. end of story. I hope someone has a little jail house justice for that idiot.

Prayers sent for the families involved.. Horrible.