If you have a minute


5 year old buck +
On Sunday night one of my Son’s buddies was hit on his bicycle just after leaving our house by drunk driver on a motorcycle. He was flown to Children’s Hospital in Milwaukee and is in critical condition. If you have time I’d ask that you say a prayer for this little guy. His name is Henry. The drunk driver was only 22 yrs old and this was his 4th owi. His blood alc was over 2 1/2 times the legal limit. His passenger died on scene. http://www.wbay.com/content/news/Co...imes-over-legal-limit-to-drive-491466801.html
Wow, I hope him the best. Prayers sent!

$10,000 bond, seems rather low, I would think he should be held without bail.

Ya especially with his history of drunk driving. Not happy with that at all.

Terrible thing to happen, praying for the whole family.
Sending prayers...
Sending prayers...
Prayers sent!
He has my prayers.
On the list.
Praying for the boy now.
Best place for the motorcycle driver is in a prison cell where he can reflect on the pain he's caused, get sober and pay his dues.
I never got to know my grandmother on my Father's side. She was killed by a drunk driver as she was walking home from Mass with two of her daughters on Mitchell St in Milwaukee circa late 1930s. I have a hatred of drunk drivers because of that incident.
My prayers sent.
Prayer sent. It doesn't matter, but 1 of my little guys is a Henry. Bad deal all around.
Sorry to hear this. Wishing the young man all the best and a speedy recovery. As to the driver of the motorcycle, I hope he rots in prison, no excuse for what he has done.
Prayers for the young man's speedy recovering. Please keep us posted on his progress. 3 lives impacted, what a waste.
I hope Henry pulls thru.....and the driver gets what he deserves....and hopefully he turns his life around as well.
Praying for healing