If a tree falls in the woods


5 year old buck +
Well looks as though the cold snap and wind didn't agree with some big old cottonwoods,I hate to see it because they just don't grow there like they used to.I had just added to an orchard that was there when I purchased the ground last fall.The short broken sapling was a asian pear,should I cut straight off or replace?The other is a 8ft pear that took some pretty heavy limb damage and damage to trunk.I will probably cut it way back and see what happens.If anyone wants to run a chainsaw this weekend from the size of tree I think we can stay 6 ft apartIMG_0812.jpgIMG_0813.jpg
Heres the tree half went left and half went right,the orchard kind of makes a horseshoeIMG_0809.jpgIMG_0810.jpgIMG_0814.jpgIMG_0809.jpg
Just cut the smaller sapling off where the damage starts. It will likely throw a bud below your cut, just make sure that it is above the graft union. The larger tree will probably recover as well, though it might take awhile. Clean up most of the ragged bark around the damage.
You have your work cut out for you on this one.
We went to work on it today and with catscratch coming over to help and another friend we got everything cut up now I just have to pile and mov