Identify this tree disease

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
I am not sure what the exact tree species is (may be black IMG_20221230_110023.jpgash) but they are starting to die. below are pics of the back that dies and drops off. Any thoughts on what this might be?

Looks like Emerald ash border
Agree with ash borer. The bark loss may be due to woodpeckers seeking the borer larvae.
Yes - Emerald Ash Borer. Got lots of ash around here looking like that. They get to be dangerous ...... never know when one's gonna drop - just big limbs or the whole tree. They're causing power outages in our region.
Here is a detailed look at the tree. I notice that a number of trees are growing sprouted limbs 2'4' long. I did gut one down and looked at the tree internals. Looks like tree is still alive but this may be a delayed reaction.

Any other comments appreciated.

It's Emerald Ash Borer, just like this one.


  • ashborer.jpg
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That's what all the dead ash on my place looked like before I cut them down for firewood. The little squiggly trails are a good giveaway.
Thanks. Sounds like it is firewood cutting time.
EAB is killing ash trees all across the U.S. If yours aren't dead yet - they WILL be. Fire up your saws - no use wasting good firewood!!

Firewood vendors around here are LOADED with ash firewood.
I work in hydro power plants. Went by a large resrvoir that one of the units I work on feeds, and all the ash trees are cut to the ground and left there, cut to about 6-8ft lengths. Probably about 2 years ago. Seen it at another reservoir too.
I work in hydro power plants. Went by a large resrvoir that one of the units I work on feeds,
Would those units be NiMo plants??