I would never have thought….

It's a;; about attitude 😉
I bet that aint that hawks first time
I listened to a MeatEater podcast with a Turkey biologist and I think he said the #1 natural predator for adult turkeys is the great-horned owl. Said they will smash a tom when they hear him gobble on the roost. Would have never guessed that.

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It’s pretty simple. One species is considered a predator and the other a prey.
I sometimes wonder how we have any turkeys. We don’t have very many here like we used to.
Didn’t hear a peep on 300 acres this am. Didnt see one bird in my 60 acre field from Thur-this afternoon.
In Minnesota I’ve read that a Fisher will sneak up on turkeys I assume at night ? It’s a never ending battle for survival !
I think hawk populations are higher than any other time in my lifetime. Last time I drove I-75 in Ohio there was a hawk every few hundred yards or so just sitting on a fence post. In Ontario last summer I was getting dive bombed by hawks in the forest. I've also seen a flock of several hundred hawks migrating through Ohio in the fall.
That’s sad, and I hear that same thing from several people.
Old timer neighbor stopped by my farm Friday, in his 80’s, lived next to my place for 60 years. We were solving problems and when I asked him if he had been seeing many turkeys he said hardly a one anymore. I actually saw as many quail as turkeys this weekend.
My dad was guiding my son this weekend in SE MN and they had a hawk swoop down and hit his Dave Smith turkey decoy. The hawk is probably lucky my son was the only one with a gun that day because my dad really likes that decoy, and he doesn't want it all scratched up.
You never know. I watched a video yesterday somewhere and a tom chased two bald eagles off.