How much venison do you have left?

Someday isle

5 year old buck +
My son and I harvested three deer last year. We're down to a couple backstraps and 15 lbs of ground venison. We were having venison once a week at first and now it feels like we're rationing it.
My son and I harvested three deer last year. We're down to a couple backstraps and 15 lbs of ground venison. We were having venison once a week at first and now it feels like we're rationing it.
Too much. I finally shot a big deer last year, and that was after I took a smaller one for the freezer a few days earlier.
Didn't get a deer last year, so I've been out for about 9 months.

I have 5 squirrels left. :emoji_sunglasses:
I'm sitting on a few hundred pounds of "venison". My anxiety acts up if/when I get too much freeboard in either of my two freezers. I'm kind of a meat hoarder.

PS- I put venison in quotes as not all the hoofed game meat in my freezer is from a deer...
My son took a buck with his bow 2 years ago. I have not taken a deer in 6. So, no venny in the freezer. The only game I have right now is a 2 man bag of eyes from this spring.
I don't do an inventory until closer to season, unless the stocks start to look a little thin. Venison is the red meat in my household so we go thru it pretty quickly. We tend to consume at least 3 deer a year. We also tend to get 1 deer processed entirely into summer sausage and that never lasts the entire year! I can't remember the last time we actually bought beef burger.....I bet it's been nearly a decade.
Thats always my goal too, not to have to buy any beef. I shot a couple deer last year and have some chops and roasts yet and about 40 lbs of burger. When its cold I will take road kills for burger or jerky meat as well. If I ever have "too much" there seems to be plenty of friends happy to take some off my hands!
between the the youth season, bow season and 3 in the family who hunt, I am doing fine on venison in the freezer. Oh and the bear the 12 year old shot. Call me weird but I actually enjoy the taste of pasture fed beef roasts over venison but few things in this life beat barbecued venison back straps.
Nearly an entire deer. Usually I take "orders" prior to bow season from my graduate students and postdoctoral fellows for how much venison they'd like, then at our annual holiday party I send them home with venison. It goes well with the traditional student Mac and Cheese...little Frank's hot sauce...

This year I took four deer, planning to keep half of one for myself and another half for our summer blowout BBQ. Then at the end of the season a buddy of mine gave me another deer that wouldn't fit in his freezer. So I have more than I need. Anyway, here's the recipe that we use for marinaded venison straps and steaks on the grill. The lime juice and ginger are what make it the best venison marinade I've ever used. I cube the meat, marinade O/N, and do it with onions, mushrooms and red peppers shishkabob style:
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 2 teaspoons ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon dried crushed red pepper
  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped
Couple sticks of summer sausage and a round or two and maybe one back strap left here out of three deer.
None left from two deer. Now the kids have moved out, so two might last a year from here on out. Will only need one this fall as I've got a jersey steer ready to butcher in October.
I process all of mine myself. This past year my son and I shot a few deer, we made jerky, snack sticks, summer sausage, and old fashion wieners. As of right now, all that is left is 1 stick of summer sausage, and only because I hid it, and about 75 pounds of old fashion wieners, because when I ordered the seasoning for the wieners, they gave me half of what was needed, so the usually spicy, heavily seasoned great tasting wieners, taste like boiled hamburger now. Not sure what I am going to do with all of the bland wieners, none of us like them. I wont waste them, so I need to figure out how to prepare them so they are at least edible.
Quite a bit. Was lucky enough to shoot an elk this year. Kept 2 deer as well and probably only needed one after the elk. Elk is a favorite in my house and is about gone. Just starting on our deer meat.
Elk is above venison in my preference as well. Kinda wish I hadn't tried it.
Elk is above venison in my preference as well. Kinda wish I hadn't tried it.
Then don't try well taken care of pronghorn! My household would trade elk for pronghorn any time. Bison is the house hold favorite. The bison I shot in SD was such a hit that we got through all but a few roasts/steaks in 14mos...
Then don't try well taken care of pronghorn! My household would trade elk for pronghorn any time. Bison is the house hold favorite. The bison I shot in SD was such a hit that we got through all but a few roasts/steaks in 14mos...
That makes me want to go on a pronghorn hunt even more now. Gotta get that done one of these years...
I've had bison burger. I didn't think it was overly special. Good, yes. I'd be down for some steaks. :)
I've had bison burger. I didn't think it was overly special. Good, yes. I'd be down for some steaks. :)

We have always had livestock, so pork and beef always came off the farm. I have had bison, ground and steaks. I would not trade any of our beef for the bison I have had.

We have about 70 lbs summer sausage, snack sticks, breakfast sausage between me and my brother. Another 25 lbs of steaks and roast.
That makes me want to go on a pronghorn hunt even more now. Gotta get that done one of these years...
One of, if not my favorite, critter to hunt. Can't wait until my kids are old enough to get the tags.