How Many Years Since Killing Your Last Deer?

I killed 3 does this year. May kill 1 more if the mood strikes, but I've been saving that last tag for a buck.

Killed a buck last year, but before that it was 2020.

Looking to have a nice batch of 4 and 5 year olds next year.
Last shot a buck in 2018 that my parent’s neighbor so nicely found for me (and didn’t give back..)..last doe kill was in 2020…lots of opportunities (at doe anyway) in between…
Motivation to harvest any was pretty low this year due to killing 3 decent bucks last year AND trapping 75+ nuisance feral hogs, filling up 5 freezers in the process... and that's after giving away all I could to numerous friends.

Instead of grabbing the cannon (rifle), grabbed the canon (camera) this year. Hoping few of the nicer bucks make it to next season and that one might pop into something truly special (honestly, most pictured are about as nice as Florida generally produces -- and I do no supplemental feeding outside about 5 acres of hand-seed food plots. nor have the luxury of being high-fenced though my place sits against a fairly lightly-hunted large quail plantation tract.

Few of the photos I took this season...

8 In Field 1.jpg
8 In Field 2.jpg
8 in Plot.jpg
Buck in Weeds.jpg
Wide 8(1).jpg
Tall Brows 1.jpg
Heavy Horn 1.jpg
Pondering.jpgSparring Bucks.jpg
Sparring With Big Buck Watching.jpg
Motivation to harvest any was pretty low this year due to killing 3 decent bucks last year AND trapping 75+ nuisance feral hogs, filling up 5 freezers in the process... and that's after giving away all I could to numerous friends.

Instead of grabbing the cannon (rifle), grabbed the canon (camera) this year. Hoping few of the nicer bucks make it to next season and that one might pop into something truly special (honestly, most pictured are about as nice as Florida generally produces -- and I do no supplemental feeding outside about 5 acres of hand-seed food plots. nor have the luxury of being high-fenced though my place sits against a fairly lightly-hunted large quail plantation tract.

Few of the photos I took this season...

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Your pics are always so cool! Great bucks. 4th up from bottom has some serious mass for anywhere, especially Florida!
Your pics are always so cool! Great bucks. 4th up from bottom has some serious mass for anywhere, especially Florida!
Yep, he has the nicest mass I've seen on a buck at our place to date... but true to form for almost all Florida bucks, can't manage to marry the 1) mass with 2) tall tines, and finally 3) width. Have had fair number of bucks around with 2 of the 3, but really looking forward to the day a buck shows up with all 3. 👍

Know antlers aren't technically horns, but named him "Heavy Horn" last year as even then he had nice mass... afraid tine length on the other hand has been a different story. Definitely a smarter/older buck as he doesn't show himself much in daylight. Got lucky getting a photo of him early one morning from the house.
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Yep, he has the nicest mass I've seen on a buck at our place to date... but true to form for almost all Florida bucks, can't manage to marry the 1) mass with 2) tall tines, and finally 3) width. Have had fair number of bucks around with 2 of the 3, but really looking forward to the day a buck shows up with all 3.

Have you tried supplemental feeding? I think Baker said it was a big help in getting bucks to fulfill their genetic potential.
The last deer I took was 8 years ago in Montana. Passed up this buck the two years prior trying to get it when he was 7 .5. My 83 year old dad missed it at 5.5. Will not even buy a license this year but will sit and observe all the beautiful creatures.


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