How many real forum members?

Here’s one I just rejected from South Africa. The user name and email address in combination with the IP from S. Africa kinda make this sign up a no deal.

Have you considered test questions? Some of the facebook groups I have joined ask a few questions from people trying to join. The bird huntimg group I joined here ask potential memebers to name the species of forest birds present in Norway, fir example.
Have you considered test questions? Some of the facebook groups I have joined ask a few questions from people trying to join. The bird huntimg group I joined here ask potential memebers to name the species of forest birds present in Norway, fir example.

Yep. I’ve used google captcha with the picture matches and custom questions like “what do you call a buck fawn?”
They get through them. Then I wake up to a bunch of spam posts.

Guess I should post a sticky to email me if you think you were unfairly declined.
So that's the guy who took the email address I've been wanting.
Are there any bots capable of planting food plots and trees for me?

Absolutely! Have you seen some of the new tractors? Them roBOTs can be programmed out the gazoo!
Here’s one I just rejected from South Africa. The user name and email address in combination with the IP from S. Africa kinda make this sign up a no deal.

View attachment 25378
Maybe this guy or gal from South Africa might be interested in hinge cutting or discussing the pro’s and con’s of buying a new tractor !
Maybe this guy or gal from South Africa might be interested in hinge cutting or discussing the pro’s and con’s of buying a new tractor !


For those that dare ... :emoji_astonished:

spam j.png
See you guys think my job is easy!

Just had someone try and sign up from Estonia.


Being curious I looked up the Instagram profile. I still had to say NO to the sign up!!! It ain’t easy being me :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Pic edited because I thought better of it. Sorry :)

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Bill ... She is in ... I need to learn more about her roll vs. mow approach ... :emoji_wink:
I would've rolled the dice on that registration. Her trailcam of the month pic might involve a field of sunflowers or apple blossoms. Just sayin.
That is a risk I would have had to take. Even if it's some 40 year old in his parents basement, maybe he has more pictures of "himself" :emoji_nerd:
Bill ... She is in ... I need to learn more about her roll vs. mow approach ... :emoji_wink:

Something tells me even if she doesn’t mow, things would grow for her...
Just sayin :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ok I’ll stop.
Who started this degenerate thread? :emoji_thinking:
She’s better than the Africa candidate
So we have established that we have our own border wall and vetting process.....even if she is cute!

All I will add is I can't wait until she asks about "plowing" might lead to the death of no-till talk on this forum!
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Bill & J-Bird, posts #53 & 56 - The words above her pic translate to " Would you good-looooooking American boys like to plow for me ?? " So nasty.

You guys had me laughing ……… so I had to.