How many gun stocks?

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
I had a walnut probably 3 times that big that was in a R/W the electric company thought they needed through my timber.I got it and hauled to a guy with a saw mill and had it planked.They let dry for 2 years and had walnut chest made for my 2 daughters.I didn't have enough dark wood so used cedar for bottom.It wasn't cheap but they will have them and be able to pass them down.
Cut mine out of the stump please or that crotch at the top of the photo. :-)
Don't they get the high priced stocks out of the burl from under ground
It’s pretty either way!
Crotch wood is the highly figured wood the digging up stumps thing is really mostly an old wives tail but I have seen a couple fools go down that road thinking they really had something. Nothing more comical than a clown at the car wash cleaning his prized walnut stump. lol
That tree must of had plenty of sunshine for the past few years at least very wide white sapwood ring. For some projects I really like the white wood/dark wood contrast I sold several thousand bdft of heavily mixed white/dark walnut about 20 years ago to to the caretaker for some of Ralph Lauren’s properties in southwestern Colorado he said it was going to be made into flooring and they specifically wanted to contrast in the flooring.
Whatever you do with that pics!

We will sell it and use the money to help build a new fence. It was on a property line and I've already spoken with the neighbor to work out that agreement.
Would be interesting to see what you get for 1 log but at price of wire and T posts I wouldn't go shopping yet
6’ 1.33lb T-post $5.40 each by the pallet quantity just priced them this week I’m going to pick up two pallets of them in the next week or two.
IF you do ever save them for stock or other projects, paint the ends and find a place with stable temps and humidity to let it dry slowly. Seen any kind of paint do ok, but oil based paint seems to be the prefered one to use. Wax also works too.

If you deciede to make your own stock, maple is one of the best woods for carving.

I have a cherry stock I have in storage for about 4 years now. It came from my hunting camp. I got a 41 inch swamped 40 cal blackpowder barrel for it. There are numerous outfits that will rough in a stock for you using your own wood. Plenty of outfits in PA for blackpowder arms.

A stock can hog alot of wood. Especially if you want to line up the grain with the wrist of the stock.