How many acres are you working with?


5 year old buck +
Pretty simple...curious as to the size of plots folks have here.
147 acres here
I manage a property that is about 300 acres, 25 or so of which I plot, I do not recommend trying that many acres with just a 40 hp tractor like me./
Pretty simple...curious as to the size of plots folks have here.
147 acres here

I HOPE you mean - how large is the piece of property we manage/work on......'cause if you have 147 acres in "plots" as in "foodplots" - holy crap!:eek:

My entire property is right at 150 total acres. I "plot" only about 2 to 3 acres of it.
I own only 31 and plot roughly 5 acres, but I manage my acreage along with the neighbor's land...110 total. Small potatoes compared to some of you guys, but a decent sized block for this part of the world.
19 acres (remote) want more (still debate with my self if buying more would be worth it).
My buddy's place is 125 acres. I got 1.5 acre of plots that he lets me do. If he gave me 5 acres, I'd do 5. We all know how addicting this is.
About 6 acres of plots on 70 acres and 45 acres about ten minutes apart.
40 acres. Just a good ol' quarter-quarter.
Too Many!

Its starting to become a job......
2 places totaling 148 acres. I've got 4 acres of food plots on 1 piece. the other one has a 12 acre alfalfa field on it and a 2 year old popal clear cut regrowing so there's plenty of food around there.
Family owns roughly 30, 15 of which is swamp. I have about one acre in food plots. Lots of oaks, pines, and spruce. 70% of the work I do is with regards to planting natives. the other 30% is fruit trees and plots. In between one 20+ acre ag field (corn this year) and another 75+acre field (also corn this year). Swamp on 2 sides of the property, one of which is across the road (we own ~50% of it and it's not hunted by anyone else) and the other swamp is state land. The best thing though is that it's a 5 minute WALK from our cottage.

My neighbor has 250+ which I help him work (he's in his early 70's). He lets me hunt the back of his that butts up against ours. Only 2 stands, one for rifle and one for bow. I have to walk across 100' of our actual neighbor's land to get to it. He's kind of a dink. If we buy that we'll get up to 33, but be able to manage an additional 5-10 acres since right now we don't do much by that line.

If my experience has taught me anything, it's that on small parcels the top 3 things are (in no particular order):
1. focusing on native browse/cover
2. Hunting smart
3. broadcasting red clover in little openings (30ft by 30ft) to make kill plots and steer deer.
Own 40 acres, lots of ag so I plot .5
I have 40 and my parents have 80 next to my 40. About 3-4 acres in plots.
122 acres. 12 acres is a leased alfalfa field, 12 acres is a 25 year old prairie planting and about 14-15 acres of soy beans and corn plus 30 mature apple trees. My corner of heaven.
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325 that own plus the 500 the in-laws own. I plant about 20 acres total. On the lease land in Fl the plots are small but I have access to 2000 acres plus
160 acres on a dead end gravel road splitting the two 80's. 60%/40% Leased crop land to cover. Plot a little over 1 acre just for fun. Big AG in the area.
My little piece of the pie is about 25 acres, but it is a pretty decent 25 acres. Mostly big woods, with swamp/bog around me. Very little in the area for ag, but there is one bigger ag farmer about a half mile away. I plant about 2.5 acres in food plots, and have about a dozen apple trees, that havent produced yet, but I have my hopes high for next year.
My little piece of the pie is about 25 acres, but it is a pretty decent 25 acres. Mostly big woods, with swamp/bog around me. Very little in the area for ag, but there is one bigger ag farmer about a half mile away. I plant about 2.5 acres in food plots, and have about a dozen apple trees, that havent produced yet, but I have my hopes high for next year.

Some big deer have been killed on small chunks! Those apples start producing and look out!
My best farm in MN is 52 acres. You don't need a huge farm to shoot quality buck...quality habitat, leave a sanctuary and lots of food.

Helps to have a neighbor with the nicest 400 acres in the county!!:)
I've got 240 acres. Last year I put in a small clover plot, maybe a half acre at most and one that I would consider a kill plot, about .2 acres. The smaller one had turnips, radishes and clover. I didn't get around to doing more this year so the clover that is left is all there is. We did just log about 40 acres this winter so I think there should be good food for them until next spring. I'm hoping to have about 4 acres in plots next year along with planting some apples/crabapples next spring.