How do you add someone to the ignore list?

I am taking donations to get Foggy a GPS for these rain dances so he can get it right. Please send all checks to Sandbur.

It might take quite a few cold ones.. I mean quite a few evenings to select the best GPS unit for him.;)
I think a dislike function would be more useful than the ignore feature.
Maybe Dip but you must have figured the thread was about you right? You and Art were online at the same time this am when you were talking smack about mn guys again and also letting everyone know your spending habits when it comes to chasing fish. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm guessing Art has had enough of your bs. I got his back at all times so I thought I would humorously state the obvious. No harm no foul. Yet.
Maybe Dip but you must have figured the thread was about you right? You and Art were online at the same time this am when you were talking smack about mn guys again and also letting everyone know your spending habits when it comes to chasing fish. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm guessing Art has had enough of your bs. I got his back at all times so I thought I would humorously state the obvious. No harm no foul. Yet.
Your clique is obvious and that doesn't bother me one bit.
Nofo was asking me about my boat, and ribbing me btw. Sarcasm is hard to catch some times.
I'm in the same situation with my fishing as u guys are in about your deer. I guess different people deal with frustration differently.
It is nice to hear less whining lately, I guess my approach worked?
I'm sure your approach has merit, but then again maybe not. Either way I know what I want out of a deer season and I'm happy to use all opinions out there to my advantage. Hopefully some of your advice on overbrowse and herd stability will help but we're worlds apart with our herd vs your herd. I want somewhere in the middle and Art just is happy to see a deer. If he would bowhunt a little more I would put him in one of my stands to shoot a yearling buck to give him something to smile about. He's a hell of a nice guy.
I once hit the ignore button on all the MN guys on here but quickly found myself wanting to sell my hunting land in WI for some in MN. I had to un ignore them to come back to reality. :p:D;)
I would NEVER hit the ignore button on you WI guys.......Just too much entertainment with you guys around.:p
I'm sure your approach has merit, but then again maybe not. Either way I know what I want out of a deer season and I'm happy to use all opinions out there to my advantage. Hopefully some of your advice on overbrowse and herd stability will help but we're worlds apart with our herd vs your herd. I want somewhere in the middle and Art just is happy to see a deer. If he would bowhunt a little more I would put him in one of my stands to shoot a yearling buck to give him something to smile about. He's a hell of a nice guy.

Riggs-my bowhunting has slipped through the years. I was an avid bow hunter at one time while in my 20's and 30's.

Times and goals change. I don't really want to kill a deer with the bow at this point, but just to enjoy my time in the woods during the week before rifle season. I thoroughly enjoy the rifle season, with many quiet days in the woods, sitting at the same table that I sat at during hunting season over 45 years ago, sharing stories and memories of my Dad and Uncle on these same lands. I am happy to kill a yearling buck or doe if I have a tag after 4 or 5 days of rifle season. I would rather see my oldest daughter or one of the guys who has never shot a mature buck get the big one. I don't really need a mature buck at this point. (My wife and youngest daughter have shot mature bucks in the past. They do not need another one either.)

I just want to keep our hunting traditions alive, in my family, and in other families as well.

If we ever get to the point where I have two tags and could kill a doe with the bow and then rifle hunt, I would be a more dedicated bow hunter. Especially if killing the doe did not seriously hurt the herd.
I respect your hunting traditions Art and I respect you so anything you ever need don't hesitate to give me a call.
It's all cool, the sweet thing is hunting season is around the corner. The deer are fat and sporting some much more respectable bone we've seen the last few years.