Hitting the brassicas early.


5 year old buck +
They seem to be really hitting the brassicas hard here quite a bit earlier than normal. They always brows on the tops but not the bulbs till late in the season.

I'm watching them pull smaller (.50 cent size and smaller) PTT up whole and eating the entire thing greens to bulb. Watched a buck doing it tonight and a doe the other day.
Northern MN. Picture from last weekend.

The deer here too been eating radishes and turnips for weeks. They go from the clover and alfalfa then to the brassicas. This isn’t uncommon for here since deer here always ate turnips well before a frost. Connecticut
N. MO Yesterday.

I'll tell you I've never had good luck with turnips and Rape seed. Last year was my first decent crop after a few attempts. I had given up for a while.

After what I whitnessed this year I'll be prepping some plots all summer with weed control and actually fertilizing next season.

I always read they were good and saw what people posted but I never had good luck with tubers and just didn't think they got used that much around me. WRONG!
I'll tell you I've never had good luck with turnips and Rape seed. Last year was my first decent crop after a few attempts. I had given up for a while.

After what I whitnessed this year I'll be prepping some plots all summer with weed control and actually fertilizing next season.

I always read they were good and saw what people posted but I never had good luck with tubers and just didn't think they got used that much around me. WRONG!
I've never had any problems with the deer using them if I get them in they'll get eaten. I usually shoot for first part of July to get them in.
I tried brassicas one year but my deer ate the greens as soon as they sprouted do I have stuck to WR and clover. This is in a no ag area and was coming after a severe winter. Maybe I’ll try again and see if they will let them grow in my plot and not just inside a cage.
Peeps, I'm not far from you (western Menominee Co. Mich.) I've been mixing in rape with my early August planting of rye with good success. With the good rains we got in early Aug. all my plots are doing very well. by far the best we have ever had. and the deer are hitting them a lot but the plots at least this year are thick and lush and are staying ahead of the deer.
I tried brassicas one year but my deer ate the greens as soon as they sprouted do I have stuck to WR and clover. This is in a no ag area and was coming after a severe winter. Maybe I’ll try again and see if they will let them grow in my plot and not just inside a cage.

If nothing else, throw some in with the rye.
I watched a doe and a couple small bucks do the same thing in Scott's picture above, over and over the other night. They ripped em out and ate the entire thing, bulb first! Pretty cool to watch.
You guys are funny.....Deer don't eat turnips! I plant them every year.....I think the rabbits get a few but mine just stink and and turn to mush in the spring some even bolt and produce seed, but in the end they just become organic matter. Deer eating turnips......that's a good one!!!!:emoji_laughing:
I saw 17 deer last night on post, every single one of them had turnips in their mouth, plants are just about to start setting bulbs, not sure why it is taking so long, but the deer don't mind.
It's so funny how you all are in on this gag.....it's actually pretty impressive. I can't imagine the PM's it took to get you all on the same page and to photoshop and stage pictures and the like to pull this off. I'm sure it's rather convincing to someone one a little more "green". Good show every body......good show!!!!:emoji_laughing:

Ok - enough fun..... it's funny how regional some deer activity is. I live in heavy farm country and yes the deer will eat anything when they are hungry enough. Thing is that in my area between the corn and beans and cover plots of wheat and turnips and radish in the ag fields along with the natural foods and then my plots.....turnips and radish are pretty low on the preference list around here. Real low in fact. I bet 95% of my turnips will end up with brown wilted leaves and be mush come spring. I find some evidence once in a while of a curious deer that will take a nibble here and there, but for the most part.....they are nothing more than a cheap insurance from a food source perspective and soil builder for me.
It's so funny how you all are in on this gag.....it's actually pretty impressive. I can't imagine the PM's it took to get you all on the same page and to photoshop and stage pictures and the like to pull this off. I'm sure it's rather convincing to someone one a little more "green". Good show every body......good show!!!!:emoji_laughing:

Ok - enough fun..... it's funny how regional some deer activity is. I live in heavy farm country and yes the deer will eat anything when they are hungry enough. Thing is that in my area between the corn and beans and cover plots of wheat and turnips and radish in the ag fields along with the natural foods and then my plots.....turnips and radish are pretty low on the preference list around here. Real low in fact. I bet 95% of my turnips will end up with brown wilted leaves and be mush come spring. I find some evidence once in a while of a curious deer that will take a nibble here and there, but for the most part.....they are nothing more than a cheap insurance from a food source perspective and soil builder for me.

Pretty much the same story for me. On the upside, when I plant soybeans the spring after a brassica plot they flourish and weeds are less of an issue.
The deer are having parties in our brassicas at night. The radishes are hit the hardest, with turnips and rape not far behind. Tracks are everywhere in that plot !!

The first year or 2 we planted brassicas, deer didn't pay much attention to them. They had never been planted there before. Now they know what they are, and are living large on them.
It's so funny how you all are in on this gag.....it's actually pretty impressive. I can't imagine the PM's it took to get you all on the same page and to photoshop and stage pictures and the like to pull this off. I'm sure it's rather convincing to someone one a little more "green". Good show every body......good show!!!!:emoji_laughing:

Ok - enough fun..... it's funny how regional some deer activity is. I live in heavy farm country and yes the deer will eat anything when they are hungry enough. Thing is that in my area between the corn and beans and cover plots of wheat and turnips and radish in the ag fields along with the natural foods and then my plots.....turnips and radish are pretty low on the preference list around here. Real low in fact. I bet 95% of my turnips will end up with brown wilted leaves and be mush come spring. I find some evidence once in a while of a curious deer that will take a nibble here and there, but for the most part.....they are nothing more than a cheap insurance from a food source perspective and soil builder for me.

Same with me J-bird! They like my radishes more and more every year. The rape has been good in the winter about 1 out of 5 years. Turnips... ya right. Cheap, easy OM is about all theyre good for here!