Hey Nuge....Shut the Front Door

Guess Uncle Ted won't be a featured speaker at any QDMA events in the future :D
yeah that would be hypocritical of them wouldn't.....actually maybe he will be the keynote speaker this year? lol. jk.

How does he sleep at night? If you actually end up believing your own lies are you still a liar?
Uncle Ted should stick to strumming the strings.
Teds a knuckle head for sure!
He has a million sponsors...and his show has always been chock full of sponsor plugs.
Dont think its to far fetched. I guess we could just use the state of illinois for example. Never a case behind wire but 40 some cases i believe in the wild in 2013 with 400 plus cases over the last few years. How many states with no farms at all and many cases of wild cwd.
It is a fact that we test 100% of deaths compared to states testing less than 1000 animals out of a million. So yes, its very possible.
So the wild populations are the "perpetrators"? It would seem to me that captive deer are at far greater risk to the dieases than wild ones. Sort of like how schools and offices (places where people are in close quarters) seem to have "outbreaks" of the flu, cold's, stomach bugs, etc. Those "outbreaks" can then be passed on when those people leave and go home. So in places where these cervid diseases aren't present in the wild, or are at very low levels, i would think a captive herd in that area could serve as a threat to the wild herds. I have always thought this whole captive/wild debate sounded like the chicken and egg debate. I think the important take away is that the wild herd deserves to be protected, not called out as the "perpetrator"! Those wild deer are a resource for us all, not just those that can afford a high fence hunt. I also think the wild herd is just as much if not more of an economic engine than the captive ones, so their value is both real (actual dollars) and perceived (a publicly available resource for with emotional, psychological, traditional value).

I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I know much about the diseases, the population dynamics, biology, physiology, and ecology of relationships between them and wild or captive herds. I just really think that Ted is WAY off and it has more to do with his EGO than any injustice being done by P&Y against the captive cervid indsutry. I'm sure it eats at his ego that many of his "precious" trophies won't be recognized by P&Y because they weren't fair chase as far as P&Y defines it. The outright devaluation of wild animals as exclaimed by Ted in his ramblings is downright appauling. But hey, he has a right to say what he wants when he wants, as he is fond of saying...."you can't do this in France".
Well i agreed not to bring this site into deer farming debate because it does split all sportsmen and this site is not about that. All i will say is research the facts and dont base our industry on the thoughts of someone it seems you dont care for.
Ted can do,go,hunt anywhere he pleases in this world. All expenses paid. So he does not have to stick up for any industry.
Ya see you say what you take away is the 'wild' herds need to be saved! What i say is ' all' herds need to be saved. If you can explain the disease in the bunch of states that have no captive herds or the states that have it in the wild but not the captives...I'm all ears!
Well i agreed not to bring this site into deer farming debate because it does split all sportsmen and this site is not about that. All i will say is research the facts and dont base our industry on the thoughts of someone it seems you dont care for.
Ted can do,go,hunt anywhere he pleases in this world. All expenses paid. So he does not have to stick up for any industry.
Ya see you say what you take away is the 'wild' herds need to be saved! What i say is ' all' herds need to be saved. If you can explain the disease in the bunch of states that have no captive herds or the states that have it in the wild but not the captives...I'm all ears!

I'm not basing my thoughts on the captive cervid industry based on Ted Nugent. I actually have a bit of a "love/hate" relationship with Ted. Sometimes he is right on the money, other times he is way off base! And thats fine by me. its his perogative.

The reason he can hunt all over "expenses paid" is direct result of these industries....so he does have a vested interest in defending them.

Like i said diseases have existed in the wild forever....nature's population control. No need to explain further how they got there. But if something that people are doing is facilitating the existence of the diseases and it can impact wild populations, then maybe the consideration should err on the side of the wild populations.

I don't care to have the deer farming/no deer farming debate either. Not trying to. I'm a libertarian, i'm all for civil liberties and people's abilities to live their lives. If you farm deer, so be it. If you hunt within in a fence, so be it. As long as its within in the confines of the law and constitution...so be it. But that doesn't mean I agree with it....thats just my opinion...my opinions or others' are just that...opinions.
I'm not basing my thoughts on the captive cervid industry based on Ted Nugent. I actually have a bit of a "love/hate" relationship with Ted. Sometimes he is right on the money, other times he is way off base! And thats fine by me. its his perogative.

The reason he can hunt all over "expenses paid" is direct result of these industries....so he does have a vested interest in defending them.

Like i said diseases have existed in the wild forever....nature's population control. No need to explain further how they got there. But if something that people are doing is facilitating the existence of the diseases and it can impact wild populations, then maybe the consideration should err on the side of the wild populations.

I don't care to have the deer farming/no deer farming debate either. Not trying to. I'm a libertarian, i'm all for civil liberties and people's abilities to live their lives. If you farm deer, so be it. If you hunt within in a fence, so be it. As long as its within in the confines of the law and constitution...so be it. But that doesn't mean I agree with it....thats just my opinion...my opinions or others' are just that...opinions.
I agree with that to a point. You say err on the side of the wild population when in fact its been 99.9% proven that dead hunter killed wild deer were the reason for CWD in New York and Michigan. I believe all areas should be researched when it comes to moving disease and a big part of that would be to stop all out of state hunting for whitetails in CWD positive states. Not just slamming the door on PART of the problem.(Captives). But we both know that would go over like a terd in a punch bowl because the states would not want to give up the cash they would lose if they shut down out of state hunters! The money statement goes both ways.
But the good news is progress is being made and CWD is showing itself not to be what many white coats that were making huge paychecks said it would be!