Herbicide I can use near pond ?


5 year old buck +
Is there a herbicide I can use to spray near a pond that won’t harm the fish or the water ? It’s a right of way that I want to spray to kill weeds and keep clean for my mom. It’s a decent size hill going down towards the pond so when it rains the run off will go in. Any input would be great. Thx
Rodeo is a glyphosate formulation designed to be used in/near water.
What plants are you trying to kill? If the hill is steep, I would be cautious about spraying something that will kill all the vegetation since you need those plants to prevent erosion.
I’m not sure what they are. Good thinking tho about erosion
Often times aquatic herbicides are cheaper. Sometimes not. Aquatic glyphosate just doesn’t have surfactant. You can use the cheapest gly without surfactant you can find.
Not sure about the pond part, but using clethodim could tame the area some, maybe between roundup applications.

How are you spraying this. Couldnt really see roundup causing any issues unless overspray is signficantly happening.
Run off on a heavy rain. At the bottom of the hill/path is the lake . I just didn’t wana spray something that would hurt the fish .
There is also an aquatic eraser gly formulation
Run off on a heavy rain. At the bottom of the hill/path is the lake . I just didn’t wana spray something that would hurt the fish .
Gly is soil inactivated. Would be inert by the time it hit water.
I have always used glyphosate with a healthy dose of surfactant to treat shore weeds like creeping yellow primrose

My fish tell me they don't mind

I know this thread is a little old but I've been using Diquat for algae control, after spraying the pond all the high grasses forming along the bank were dead in a week or two. I tested it on a few areas of the bank as well and I didn't see a single plant that survived the one light dose I sprayed on it. It is specifically designed to be used in aquatic settings with minimal to no restrictions to swimming, fish, even drinking.