Help identifying a rootstock


5 year old buck +
Any ideas? Hawthorne? Whitebeam?
It's a rootstock for a Japanese quince.
Looks like hawthorn to me.
My Q. is...Why graft Jap. quince?
Chaenomeles cuttings root pretty easily
It came from the supplier that way. They graft Japanese Quince on a 4 foot trunk of some other species to make it a tree. The graft broke and I re-grafted it to see if I could. It makes a nice ornamental tree with big red flowers and then yellow fruits. I also have about 6 rooted cutting planted. The rootstock is putting out huge root suckers, so I will try to stool the tree and use it as a source for future pear and apple grafts if I can.

I got it for free from work because the graft union broke while in transit.
Here's the tree. It's growing like crazy indoors. I will be planting it outside later this week.


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I wondered if that was the case.
Some nurseries have grafted some of the apple serviceberries on hawthorn understock...with lots of thorny suckers popping up.