Health and Wellness


5 year old buck +
Well Mort asked for it, so let’s talk about it. Thoughts, discussion, resources for staying healthy?

I think there have been plenty of podcasts I listen to that eventually bring up the topic. As I mentioned in another thread the Prairie Farm podcast had on a PhD candidate to discuss PFA’s this week. I think that is one that is concerning to me, especially for my kids. I can’t imagine it getting better in their lifetimes. She mentioned the pallets of water sitting in the sun that exposed our Soldiers to the worst conditions possible for PFA’s and my heart sank. I distinctly remember grabbing a 1000 degree 1.5L water bottle off of a pallet sitting in a parking lot somewhere in Iraq and guzzling it like it was the last one on Earth. Many times! Guess I am doomed…

We nearly cut out all single use plastics in our life and have moved to all glass food storage and glass/stainless drink ware as well. Also haven’t used non-stick cookware in years.

I’ll kick it off with that and the “All things in moderation” phrase that sum up my wellness routine. What do some of you guys do?

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As you get older, flexibility becomes more important than strength. I’m 69 now and do a 28 minute intense stretching routine at least 5 days a week. I eat decent but don’t go to any extremes. If I felt my feet would take the punishment I would still be running, but I don’t think it would be a good idea. However, I do get some good exercise just working at the farm and home.

I had a checkup early this week. BP was 124/78 and heart rate 48 bpm. The only med I take is a the lowest dose they give of Crestor. But, life can change at any minute. The next week any of us may find out we have a month to live - or maybe less.
I've had allot of back issues over time. I first injured by back when I lifted a heavy stump onto a semi trailer when we were building a new home back in the 70's. Dumb. Wore a back brace over multiple years at times. Got so bad at one point I could not get off the floor. Pain was shooting down my leg......and I finally had surgery. Instant relief. That surgery (30 years ago) solved most of my issues with my lower back but it is still weak.

One thing I do now is a series of exercises to strengthen my core......and it really helps. Most days I do some stretching and leg lifts and roll on my back to get it loose. Also helps with flexibility. It still gets a bit sore at times......but I have improved it over time and it has not "gone out" for a long time.

I got some nueropathy in my feet and some pinched nerves in my neck that radiate down my left arm and have a never ending "tingling" in my fingers. Always a bit of a stiff neck. Stretching helps the neck a bit......but even with some therapy sessions the pinched nerve issues remain.

I don't know what to do about the neuropathy. It really affects my balance and contributes to issues with my golf game. (that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it).

Then there has been bladder cancer, pallups, leaky heart valves, hip replacement, knee injections, and internal issues to keep an eye on.......but at gotta expect to dodge a few bullets. 😅 Life is good.
I try to live healthy but could absolutely do better. My diet is ok, by far it is my weak spot. I don’t love vegetables so I end up forcing myself to eat them rather than enjoying them. I try to limit processed food and red meat more than once a week. I run a good bit and that probably is a comfort blanket for some other deficiencies. Limiting alcohol consumption is important to me. Couple beers a month is my goal. I’m not anti alcohol but I haven’t seen any good from excess in that category. I try to do 2-4 ultramarathons a year which is the carrot I need to continuously stay in shape. I have a shake out 5 mile run now and a 15 mile run tomorrow am which makes 6 out of 7 days this week running.

Having a baby at basically 44 motivates me to stay young. I have too many friends and acquaintances that have gotten too old before they should because they don’t invest in themselves. I want to be able to play like a 25 year old with my kids. I also want to climb hang on stands at 70 (odd goal I know). I’m encouraged because I watch my dad do backflips on trampolines and fulls into a pool at 70 so hopefully genetics is on my side.
Don't know what to tell you about your kids and PFAS. It's ubiquitous and unavoidable. Like to throw a frozen pizza in the oven for a quick meal? It's in the packaging. How about some microwave popcorn, yep it's there too. Do the women in your life use feminine hygiene products? It's being inserted into their bodies and on their faces with their makeup. It's even in the toilet paper that we all use. There's way over 400 different types of PFAS and we only know the toxicity, and regulate, of a hand full. Personally I wish the government would ban the use and manufacture of it.

Arthritis seems to be the demon that's plaguing me. Had my left thumb repaired a few years ago and now it's in my right wrist. Dr. says there's no fancy surgery for the wrist, so I'll just keep using it and try to keep moving. Motion is the lotion. Doing habitat and just upkeep at my cabin and land helps. I always feel better physically and mentally after doing a good days work up at the shack.
Woke up about three months ago with a pain in my back between spine and shoulder blade - within a week, pain went down my right arm to fingers and little finger and ring finger numb. Pain became so intense I lived in a recliner for ten days. I have had broke a leg, foot, collar bone, nose twice, numerous cuts, sprains, 40 bee stings at one time - all that added together did not equal the pain I experienced in my back. Went from marlin fishing in hawaii five months ago to not being able to hold a bream pole. Dont take anything for granted.
Woke up about three months ago with a pain in my back between spine and shoulder blade - within a week, pain went down my right arm to fingers and little finger and ring finger numb. Pain became so intense I lived in a recliner for ten days. I have had broke a leg, foot, collar bone, nose twice, numerous cuts, sprains, 40 bee stings at one time - all that added together did not equal the pain I experienced in my back. Went from marlin fishing in hawaii five months ago to not being able to hold a bream pole. Dont take anything for granted.

I had the exact same thing last winter Swampcat. Ended up being 2 herniated disks in my neck No idea how I did it. Started in Late January. By early June I was just about symptom free a little tingling in my fingers, but that went away eventually too.
I had the exact same thing last winter Swampcat. Ended up being 2 herniated disks in my neck No idea how I did it. Started in Late January. By early June I was just about symptom free a little tingling in my fingers, but that went away eventually too.
I know I have some neck issues, but it was the way it came on overnight. Mine is getting better - but I lost a lot of physical strength and weight when it was really bad. Hard to gain strength back when you are 70. Pretty bad to have to ask my wife to unscrew the top off my water bottles.
Man, I just said a little prayer for you guys that are struggling.

I'm young (51) but still run every day. Hit 29yrs without a day off this summer. It was a rough summer with weird knee and back pain showing up for no good reason. My per mile pace is a full minute slower than a yr ago. Won't complain because at least I'm still able to do the things I love and unlike many around me I'm not fighting cancer or heart disease (yet).

FIL has dementia. He's incapable of understanding what's happening to him, which is a blessing... but it's a completely horrible disease in what it does to the individual and their loved ones.

Keep after it guys!
I think that’s a key as well, is simply staying active. Even you fellas who have slowed down a bunch, you are probably still more active than most folks your age. My dad is 71 and loathes the fact he has slowed down a lot. I remind him that’s why he had kids. And that’s why I had kids. Full circle.

I don’t do traditional exercise, but our projects keep me plenty in shape. Enough I pass every Army PT test without preparation. Flexibility is rapidly becoming my shortcoming lately. Knees and surprisingly elbows feel 90. Need to work on that.

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Are you Active (Army) T-Max?
Thanks for your service!
I've taken off 25 lbs since the start of the new year. Less beer / more water, better diet, few "treats", exercise, and clean living. 😅 Been a slow process. This has helped my knees and ankle joints immensely. Clothes fit better and I feel better too. Much more energy and simple things like getting up off the floor and up and down from the tractor are easier too. Better stats on my blood tests. too!
Are you Active (Army) T-Max?
Thanks for your service!

Thank you for that! I am in the Reserve. I got caught up in all of that deployment stuff from 2003 to 2007. Decided that was enough for me. Got a promotion last year or I would be retired already. 2 years to go then I’ll pass it on to some younger buck. 🫡

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Thank you for that! I am in the Reserve. I got caught up in all of that deployment stuff from 2003 to 2007. Decided that was enough for me. Got a promotion last year or I would be retired already. 2 years to go then I’ll pass it on to some younger buck. 🫡

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Congratulations! What rank?
Master Sergeant. Almost a year ago. I always wanted to make Sergeant Major, but two brand new little ones have brought a new perspective on that.

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Even though I have the neck problems that have sidelined me some, walking reduces the pain. Wife and I walk a couple miles around the farm every morn. We walk pretty fast, but we stop a fair bit to look at plants, tracks, droppings - whatever. Got back from our walk and went to the orchard and picked muscadines

Afterwards, I spent a couple hours watering fruit trees. Then, filled some feeders, rode ranger to deer camp and cleaned up and set up sprinkler on a pole barn pad I built last week. Came back and tilled the garden getting ready to plant some turnips and mustard in a couple weeks. Worked on some game cams and put out because grand daughter wants to get some pics to see what buck she is going to shoot. Switched out sprayer to disk on one of the tractors ready to use tomorrow. High today was 102 but humidity was in the upper 30’s so not as bad as it has been. About to cook some bacon and eggs on the blackstone
Even though I have the neck problems that have sidelined me some, walking reduces the pain. Wife and I walk a couple miles around the farm every morn. We walk pretty fast, but we stop a fair bit to look at plants, tracks, droppings - whatever. Got back from our walk and went to the orchard and picked muscadines
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Afterwards, I spent a couple hours watering fruit trees. Then, filled some feeders, rode ranger to deer camp and cleaned up and set up sprinkler on a pole barn pad I built last week. Came back and tilled the garden getting ready to plant some turnips and mustard in a couple weeks. Worked on some game cams and put out because grand daughter wants to get some pics to see what buck she is going to shoot. Switched out sprayer to disk on one of the tractors ready to use tomorrow. High today was 102 but humidity was in the upper 30’s so not as bad as it has been. About to cook some bacon and eggs on the blackstone

Pole barns are my thing lately. Building our 5th building in the last 6 years. Be sure to post pics. Love seeing progress and getting ideas.

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Master Sergeant. Almost a year ago. I always wanted to make Sergeant Major, but two brand new little ones have brought a new perspective on that.

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CONGRATS! That's up there. E8?

My BIL is a Sargent Major. If I remember right he was up for Command Sarget Major but I don't think got it.
I've been doing the Paleo diet the last few months. Trying to eat only meats, fruits,veggies and nuts. Kind of a variation of Paleo I guess. No processed food, cut out as much grain as possible
Dropped a few pounds but mostly just overall feel better.
My one vice is beer. Don't want to give that up yet.