Hard tree to drop


5 year old buck +
I had to drop a large maple yesterday. It was about 75' tall, but the bottom 8' was hollow.

Being hollow made it interesting to fell.
It looks like you tried to take it a direction it wasn't gonna go. That's why it snapped off. You gotta read the tree
Glad your ok
Sweet Jesus tooln. Did you know it was hollow? You've either got some series balls, or some serious expertise…or both! I personally wouldn't touch a tree like that if I knew it was hollow. Just WAY TOO unpredictable for me and for my skill set.

I personally only cut trees that don't require that I run for my life.

Glad it went well.
No, it went the way it and I wanted. It was just so rotted. Yes I knew it was hollow. You do them totally different. It started to go on the hinge but there wasn't much of one. So it snapped. Didn't have to run, stepped back and watched & hoped it didn't get hung up.
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Glad you got 'er down and nobody got hurt.

Trees can be tricky. I had a close one today. I had a big, dead Jack Pine that was near my driveway.....and it was leaning pretty good. Figured I could push it over......so I put the loader up high and gave it a steady push. All was fine.....except the grapple got snagged on a heavy duty limb. When the tree went over.....it picked my tractor up with it and put all the weight on one front tire. I thought I was gonna roll it right there on my road.....but the branch snapped and all turned out well.

Who wudda thought I would get attached to that tree in such a fashion? I resist pushing very many trees.....and this is a good example of "why".
Trees=chain saw's, not tractors. Glad you & your tractor are ok.
Did you have your seat belt on?
Did you have your seat belt on?

Yep.....I did. I do wear that belt.....especially when doing loader work. Staying in the seat is huge.
I cringe every time I hear about guys pushing dead trees over. It's way too easy to make a mistake that results in limbs (or more) coming down on you.

Get some cable and a snatch block. Pull it over from a safe location. ;)