Hard starting Polaris.

Check the plug, drain a little gas out of it if possible. Could be water in it. Don't add dry gas. Dry gas either dissolves water in your fuel, or left in there for a long period attracts misture from the air. IF using dry gas, burn up the fuel in a week or less. Don't use it much don't fill it much.

I use non-ethanol. Octane is basically a flame retartdant. The slower the flame burns under pressure. IF running in the winter, I would decrease the spark gap a touch. Fresh plug with sharp edges maybe .005" less. ziplock bag of hot water laying against the intake / block area for a few minutes.

Post service motor not running right, lvalve adjustment is likely. Sometimes they turn down the idle too.
I can't get non ethanol in anything but premium. But my Polaris seems ok with it. I had a problem with hard starts for a while. The safety switch on the brake was acting up. I cut that sucker out and jumped the wires and she fires up fine now.
I use non ethanol, Idaho offers it every where it seems. I added octane booster, and I trickle charged battery.

I bump it……stop, wait a second or two, bump it again….it usually starts right up. On the ice I would start it and run it every few hours to keep motor warm. Fishing was great I got several rainbows and a few brook trout.


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My Polaris sxs is a finicky to start as well. You have to play with the brake pressure to get it to turn over