Happy Thanksgiving


5 year old buck +
Happy Thanksgiving to all the crew on here and to the "lurkers" out there. I hope everyone has a good holiday weekend with family and friends. Maybe squeeze in a little hunting too, the next few days. Best wishes !!
Happy Thanksgiving indeed! Good idea on sneaking in a little hunting. I rattled 3 mature bucks up today between 10:30 and noon. Beautiful crisp day here on the backside of the rut. Eating a quick lunch and heading back out.

Everyone have a great day.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Anyone in a turkey coma yet?
Just went for a walk around the block.
Have to make room for the second round tonight at another location.
Well, I missed this thread yesterday. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'm coming out of a dressing and gravy coma this morning.
Same here ^^^^^^^

What a great day it was and we had so much to be thankful for! It is awesome having the kids all home and just lazing around spending time with family.