hack n squirt v hinge cut

The lion’s share of what I’d perform either treatment on is sweetgum. Why in the world wouldn’t I want to just terminate that tree if I’m going to the trouble to hinge it? What can a horizontal sweetgum provide that a blackberry, beauty berry patch can’t, other than maybe funneling animals a little.

The only good sweetgum is a dead sweetgum

I’m currently in the camp of either hinging or cutting down completely. So let me ask this question to the masses.

Why hack & squirt when you could just girdle the trees?
I’m currently in the camp of either hinging or cutting down completely. So let me ask this question to the masses.

Why hack & squirt when you could just girdle the trees?
DBH. Smaller trees just hack. Larger diameter girdle
I’m currently in the camp of either hinging or cutting down completely. So let me ask this question to the masses.

Why hack & squirt when you could just girdle the trees?
Single girdle has poor kill rate. Also often tree will sucker under the girdle. A double girdle is some better, but not a ton.

I actually girdle and spray. Easier to use a small battery chain saw and girdle than hack. Then I spray with Craig Harper cocktail of 50% garlon 3, 40% water, 10% Arsenal ac. Lately I’ve been adding one ounce of milestone to the spray bottle. I use. 32oz spray bottle, enough to kill 100’s of trees this way.

I also basal spray anything smaller than 4-6” diameter. Backpack sprayer with 20% garlon 4, rest diesel, and add 2oz if milestone. Spray bottom foot of tree. Easiest way to kill a bunch of smaller trees imo. My fave part is I can do all in winter when not hot and no snakes.
I’m currently in the camp of either hinging or cutting down completely. So let me ask this question to the masses.

Why hack & squirt when you could just girdle the trees?
Some trees like Tree of Heaven will send up a million root suckers if you even look like you want to hurt them. You have to kill them immediately with herbicides.
Isn't there a threat to unintended targets with hack and spray by chemical moving through the roots?
Isn't there a threat to unintended targets with hack and spray by chemical moving through the roots?
Depends on if the chemical is soil active or not. Imazapyr is one of those.
Plus, adds some nice snags for the owls to nest in while they're standing.

Also attracts hawks. They are great to have around to protect fruit trees, but they dive bomb me aggressively.
Isn't there a threat to unintended targets with hack and spray by chemical moving through the roots?
Google Craig Harper forest stand improvement. He will tell you that he has seen almost none of that. Only reason would be trees that share root like sweet gum (good).

I only use imazapyr in girdle and cut, and that small amount of spray goes onto tree and never hits ground.

I don’t use it with basal spray because it could be on ground and wash and hurt other trees. That said lot of people do and say risk is so small it’s not a big deal.
Thanks for the answers everyone. I definitely can see for some tree/ reasons why chemicals vs girdling is better.
Google Craig Harper forest stand improvement. He will tell you that he has seen almost none of that. Only reason would be trees that share root like sweet gum (good).

I only use imazapyr in girdle and cut, and that small amount of spray goes onto tree and never hits ground.

I don’t use it with basal spray because it could be on ground and wash and hurt other trees. That said lot of people do and say risk is so small it’s not a big deal.

The guy that convinced me to use hack and squirt said to use an old cafeteria style ketchup bottle as your applicator instead of a spray bottle. The tiny tip and lack of aerosolization ensures it only gets on the tree you intend. I, fortunately, don’t have any high value trees in close proximity to the Black Locust I want killed. The only unwanted losses would be a few osage, but I can get new osage saplings whenever and whenever I want.

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The guy that convinced me to use hack and squirt said to use an old cafeteria style ketchup bottle as your applicator instead of a spray bottle. The tiny tip and lack of aerosolization ensures it only gets on the tree you intend. I, fortunately, don’t have any high value trees in close proximity to the Black Locust I want killed. The only unwanted losses would be a few osage, but I can get new osage saplings whenever and whenever I want.

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Seems like I’ve read that black locust is notorious for suckering if from hack and squirt treatment. I’d about decided basal treatment with Garlon or Milestone was the preferred method.