Hack and Squirt to Create Bedding


Yearling... With promise
I have around 25 acres that I have designated as a sanctuary. Last winter I went in and did come hinge cutting to help thicken it up to create a bedding area. That was a lot of work and wore me out pretty quick working by myself. I was thinking of trying hack and squirt to kill the undesirable trees in there such as maple, cedar, and hickory. Leaving oaks and any other trees that could be logged in the near future. Have any of you guys done something like this to create bedding? It seems like a lot easier work than hinging and a lot safer.

What herbicide should I use? Would gly work or do I need something more specific?
42% gly

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It would work if you removed enough canopy. Sunlight to the ground is your goal. If you remove undesirables and allow the oaks to take over the canopy, you might not get the bedding you are hoping for.

I wouldn't call a hinged maple undesirable...great brows. Or do mineral stumps here and there as well, HUGE benefit!