Habitat Talk's October 2018 Trail Cam Photo Contest

That is a nice sharp image.


Making up

Honestly, not the type of buck share I want to enter for the month of October... but.. well... let's just say while Bill blessedly harvested the monster buck he named "Lucky", I've now named one of my own bucks "Lucky", but sadly for quite a different reason.

Did he get caught in the door? :)
Don't think so but couldn't swear it! Joking aside, probably should shut down shop on my pig trap. Worked like a charm a year ago AND DO have a different sounder running around but darnedest thing is that this sounder has shown ZERO, and I mean ZERO interest in it... not even getting pics of them eating corn outside it although I've seen their tracks and rooting within 50 yards or so. Hard mast and rooting findings seem to be keeping them happy. Going to have to start taking pot shots at them during gun season whereas I'd really rather trap them as a group.

As for the buck, had one or even two last year with broken beams and remember one looking like he had pedicle damage in an old video capture. Haven't pulled old clips to compare but bet it's him as that compromised beam looks funky / considerably thinner at the base compared to the other side. Brow tine on the normal side isn't crazy, but with the decent G2 and G3 think I'll just be happy letting him do his thing going forward. For the very moment, even with the compromised beam he acts like he's big man on campus. Suspect / hope that'll change in the next few weeks if a couple of nice 2017 bucks I gave passes find my place again.
Your son is a lucky dude Bill!