Yes - my camp just did a 22 acre selective cut this year. We also did a clearcut about 19 - 20 yrs. ago in another area. We planted Norway & white spruce, white pine in the older cut just after it was logged. White, yellow, and black birch, plus hemlock seeded in naturally. It was an area of open woods that were easy pickings for road shooters for a bit of our property. Not any more !! Thick, quiet, it's now a good holding / bedding / secure area for the deer. Best move we've made for habitat.
The new cut done this year, we'll do some of the same things. Norway & white spruce will be planted. We'll do some in clusters for bedding areas, and plant some staggered, double rows for travel corridors from heavy cover to our food plots and apple trees. We'll also plant some Washington hawthorns and witch hazel, and maybe a few silky dogwoods in a wetter area of the cut. We already have lots of stump sprouts on the many maples we cut, and on the few oaks we took down. Lots of mineral soil was exposed and the acorn crop was heavy this fall, so I expect some of those will be hatching too. This spring will be busy !!
We left the tops lay at the advice of 4 different foresters. They said the tops will provide browse and also protect new seedlings from deer until they get a good start. Free fence they called the tops. They also told us that once the tops decay back into the soil, they'll be putting lots of minerals and other goodies back into the soil. This fall I saw deer already using the piles of tops for security and bedding.