Growing Apples From Seed

Graft with any apple or crab as soon as they are big enough to graft.
I enjoy growing apples from the hardy wild crabs we have in my area. You never know what you will get.

I have also grown open pollinated seedlings from known varieties.
I have some open pollinated Kinderkrisp and Almata seeds in the ground right now.

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First one has emerged. Ground is cracking in another one.

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I found a couple volunteers this spring growing in the wood chips underneath my crabapple trees. I thought they were suckers at first until I pulled on them. The one didn't have much root, and so I pitched it. The other one I potted for hopefully budding onto later this year.
Lost and Found

I was looking at some farmstead plums I had transplanted. They were pretty much ignored and I looked at two of them...

I forgot that two of them were crab seedlings.

Seed collected in 2007. Transplanted in 2009.

I have seedlings planted in 2012 that have fruit Spurs this year. Seed would have been collected in fall if 2010.

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I finished with my apple seeding yesterday. In all i'm guessing around 30 seeds planted and flagged. I'm hoping to get time next weekend to get fabric and cages rounded up. Some of the seeds were planted in easily observable areas and others not so much. I plan on grafting to some and leaving some to grow into who knows what. (providing any of them actually grow that is).
I dug my two apple seedlings from the garden. Interesting root structures on them.

Both are seedlings from seedlings.

Here is the root structure from the seedling I call ABC, which is a seedling from a wild crab.

Here is the rootball from a seedling from the Buckman crab, which is a dolgo seedling.

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I am going to get my seeds in the ground after work. A question I have when it comes to future grafting. How long should I wait to graft to them? Next spring, 2 years, 3 years?

Also, what can I graft to them? They are seeds from a large apple "fruit size" tree. Can I graft crabs to them?

One of the areas I am going to plant them was just burned this past Saturday. I will go back in the near future and take care of the grass that will be growing up around them with herbicide before the trees start to grow and/or fabric with cages.

2 years minimum. No time limit after that. Some guys cut down 5 yr old trees and convert them to more desirable varieties. I am considering it with several of my problem child honeycrisp.

Any apple, crabs included. Just has to be same type of fruit. Can’t graft pear to an apple rootstock etc...

Weed mats be ideal. Be careful with herbicide. I
Learned that the hard way. Killed a cherry tree
I was down to our valley property where I planted my apple seeds after work yesterday. I didn't check most of them but the 10-12 of them that I wanted to grow exactly where I planted them. I didnt count or anything but I bet at least 1/3 of the 10-12 seeds I planted had been dug up. They are out in the middle of a burnt off grassy area where you dont commonly see squirrels. Any bets to what got at them?
I was down to our valley property where I planted my apple seeds after work yesterday. I didn't check most of them but the 10-12 of them that I wanted to grow exactly where I planted them. I didnt count or anything but I bet at least 1/3 of the 10-12 seeds I planted had been dug up. They are out in the middle of a burnt off grassy area where you dont commonly see squirrels. Any bets to what got at them?


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Here's my first round. They need bigger pots this week. I will try some DIY rootmakers.
Here's my first round. They need bigger pots this week. I will try some DIY rootmakers.
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I am about two months behind you.
I have growth in three of my four cages.

Kinderkrisp and Crabby crisp seeds emerged. Almata did not grow, yet. I only had one Almata apple and 4 seeds.

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I'm going to check on mine again today and take soil samples in a nearby plot. As of last week there was no visible growth. (of the seeds the squirrels didn't get) It has been cold and wet here so i wouldn't doubt they havent popped yet.
My seeds are mostly half Jonagold or Golden Delicious. Not sure what the other half is, but I have seen crabapples used as pollinizers in orchards here.
I am about two months behind you

I have sort of a rolling system. I plant the seeds as they germinate. When I remove them from the apple, i leave them in a bowl for a few days, then they go in a plastic bag in the fridge. Occasionally i remove the ones that are germinating and plant them.

I have sort of a rolling system. I plant the seeds as they germinate. When I remove them from the apple, i leave them in a bowl for a few days, then they go in a plastic bag in the fridge. Occasionally i remove the ones that are germinating and plant them.

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whats the fastest you have brought them back out of the fridge and had them germinate?
I've found them germinating IN the apple. Not often, but occasionally a Granny Smith will have seeds already growing out a root radical when I bring them home from the grocery store. I suspect they have been in cold storage for a few months.
That is kind of what I was thinking/wondering, and I realize its not as cold as we typically stratify seed at but that maybe, if the fact that an extended cold storage may help with fooling the seed into germinating - I might get a viable seed or too from an apple I want to grow seed from. I know apples are not true to seed its just that if Im going to burn some time and effort at growing from seed I would like to do a certain apple which "may" produce something interesting. It was just a thought and I think I will give it a try.
Time to thin.

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Seedlings emerging in the cider waste.

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