Grafting Supplies and a quick question on timing


5 year old buck +
So I'm about to jump in on the grafting! I'll be doing bark grafts on a variety of trees, and I am wondering what supplies I need. I plan on grafting more in the future, I'll be finishing the rest of my non DR trees next year and eventually probably grafting some crab limbs onto some mature trees for pollination and extended fruit drop.

As of now, I'm thinking that I'll get a nice knife, like a victorinox. I'm not sure the difference in quality of budding knives between a $10 and a $30 knife, but I've learned to spend the money on nice steel and take care of it. If the cheaper knives work well, however, I'll get one of those. Other than that, I know I'll need a sealant. I was thinking treekote or a similar product (I only say treekote because it was the first one to come up on google). I don't know how much to get. After opening, how long does this stuff last? Would I be able to get 1 gallon this year, use some of it, and then use the same stuff next year?

Now, as for the timing question. As stated earlier, I'm planning on bark grafting. I know that I need to do this later than some other grafts, but way earlier than budding. For those of you in similar climates, would April be ok? or would May be better? Does it have to be after all threat of frost? Snow isn't out of the question in April or May, but it is certainly not something that I see all the time.

Thanks for all of the help!
Wait for the leafs to be as big as a squirrel ear. No fancy grafting knife required, just something sharp
Thanks for all of the help, everyone!