Grafting pear to mountain ash


5 year old buck +
I grafted a bunch of Ingeborg and Keiserinna pear scions onto wild mountain ash trees. I used a variety of grafting techniques, but mostly bark and side grafts. I had about 80% success. Scions are growing slowly, but they are growing.

Here are three scions that didn't grow, but apparently are still alive. Anyone ever expeience this?

On those, you just need to be patient and remove most of the rootstock growth and just leave enough to keep it alive. Make it push that bud.
On those, you just need to be patient and remove most of the rootstock growth and just leave enough to keep it alive. Make it push that bud.

I will trim it all back this winter and keep it trimmed next spring. I thought maybe there was something wrong with the scion. Could be that all the trees are on the same roots.
Also, it it doesn't start pushing a bud next spring by the time you are ready to top work, regraft it.
Will do. I have an Ingeborg pear I can take scions from.