Good but affordable night vision monocular


5 year old buck +
Anybody got one? Looks like vortex has a few. For 75 year old father in law. Just lloking to see what in the backyard. 70-100 yards.

Tough guy to buy for. Got a gardepro E6 trail camera, ring 120v floodlight with camera. Sit at home all days nosing his nose out the window.............
Don’t go night vision. Go thermal. Can get a really good monocular for less than 2k.
This isnt for me, it's for my father in law. He doesn't hunt, just wants to see whats out back. Guy is tough to buy for. Already bought my in-laws new floor for their bedroom.

Don't coyote hunt alot myself. Been doing ok with the green light on my 22lr and a motion detector in the backyard. Got 4 last winter, think 5 one took off with a blood trail. Had one chase the cats on inlaws ring camera by their gargae next door.
This isnt for me, it's for my father in law. He doesn't hunt, just wants to see whats out back. Guy is tough to buy for. Already bought my in-laws new floor for their bedroom.

Don't coyote hunt alot myself. Been doing ok with the green light on my 22lr and a motion detector in the backyard. Got 4 last winter, think 5 one took off with a blood trail. Had one chase the cats on inlaws ring camera by their gargae next door.
You could def do night vision cheaper. They need an IR light to really work well through.
Watching.... Are these getting any cheaper over the years? Seems like there are more, but the cost is about the same for all with similar features. Guessing the OEMs all buy the same sensors and put the units together.
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Not sure how much you want to spend but the AGM Neith looks awesome for around $800. Probably more capable than what you are looking for, but it could be mounted and dismounted from a rifle with its QD mount. Some great YouTube videos out there showing its capabilities.

I have an AGM Rattler and want to add the Neith someday, as it does some things better than thermal and is way cheaper.
Something like this on sale for 500.

Any experience with this one?

Ive wanted one to scan for dead deer in brush or live ones in open fields for entry/exit....
Any experience with this one?

Ive wanted one to scan for dead deer in brush or live ones in open fields for entry/exit....
Rix is a good entry unit. My buddy has one and likes it but it is the next level higher unit.
Here's another wrinkle... is he tech savey? If not he's probably not going to figure out how to use them, they're not "on and off" simple.

I have a "cheap" digital NV scope, was about 650 at the time, have since come down, and a "cheap" thermal viewer (for the same price, since gone up) and they're fairly complicated.

I know my dad would never figure them out. He wanted a trail cam for his yard, I had to track down one of those little units with nothing but on / off, and he still manages to screw it up. :(
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From a thread off AT
Found out my mother-in-law bought one for her husband, one less thing checked off the list.
I bought a $100 NV monocular, just because I had to try it. It works, but you need IR illumination to go beyond 100 yards, and the lowest power is 3x, so worthless for anything other than spotting. It really does not work for anything but monitoring a location you already know in the light.
My gift backfired. I gave the idea to my mother in law. She bought me a cheap night vision monovular.

Kinda got a rule, If I need it buy it good. If good is too much, live without it. Im not big into getting back at coyotes. Do it once a year. I find the remote indication, some bait, and a green light on my 22 works just fine. Get one or two a night until I have no bait. Coyotes get smart after about 4 days though.
It's the thought that counts. Some folks consider $2k affordable, that's about as cheap as it gets unless you start looking at used. My guess is there is a lot of used stuff out there for a deal, because we always buy shit because we need it and find we don't.
I’m watching this too. Coyote control.

I have a 600 yard shot from the deck to the back of my field, and an x bolt .22-250 target rifle I’d like to set up for night duty.

If the max budget was $2k (all in)…what would that look like?
Yeah, she is a nice lady for sure. IT's tough buying gfts for older people, they kind of reel back a bit in life, no going out and doing much stuff. I feel bad for them, they enjoy babysitting, but they aren't really doing anything else iin life. Try to drag them on cruises, renting beachhouses, and easy outings like that. Seems theyre just happy having someone cook them dinner.

Im actually enjoying the real basic setup I got. Trying to opne the window quietly, then air raid them with the light. Kinda like that whacking the gopher on the head arcade game. Some folks take it more seriously, because you have too. Hogs and high coyote populations areas. Evert year I coyote coyote hunting once or twice at my brother in laws place. Someone is just shooting coyotes and dumping htem on the side of the tractor path.
I’m watching this too. Coyote control.

I have a 600 yard shot from the deck to the back of my field, and an x bolt .22-250 target rifle I’d like to set up for night duty.

If the max budget was $2k (all in)…what would that look like?
I was talking monocular, not sights. Vision Monocular&cid=23783
I've had a Bushnell Equinox IR monocular I've been using for almost 10 years now. Pretty much fits the bill for what you're seeking... not a scope, just a night vision monocular with built in IR. The one I have can record to a micro sd card, but don't have to be recording to use it. I do see the model I have isn't for sale anymore, and has been replaced with a newer Z2 model out now.

On a personal note, even though not a scope I always pack mine when hunting afternoons as it lets me stay in the stand past dark if I get buttoned up by deer sticking around my stand / lets me keep an eye on the deer with the monocular until I see they're clearing out so I can get down undetected. We've also got a healthy population of black bears and coyotes around my place so also gives me some peace of mind I'm getting down without unwelcome company around / following me. 👍
When I bought my thermal "scanner" I doubted how much I would really use it. I mean I knew what I wanted to use it for, but didn't think I'd get to. (and I was right) I did find that I used it a lot more than I thought I would, at least the last two years. (this year not so much).

I used to check fields in the morning and evenings, not looking for deer (hunting wise), but rather looking to not bump / spook them before I crossed the fields. When they were there I'd go the long way 'round instead.
I did spot a bedded doe out in the field one early rainy morning before sunrise, that never would have seen with my naked eye. I mean even well after sunrise I couldn't see her, but knew she was there. I just sat and watched hoping she had a boyfriend around.
I've used it to help search for deer in the woods in the dark (both times pretty sure they hadn't been hit, but wanting to be extra sure).
I used it to roost turkeys in the evening on the edge of a field. We knew where they'd been roosting, knew where they were earlier, but couldn't see them in the trees. But were able to see them with the thermal. Interestingly though I couldn't see them the next morning and assumed they'd moved later or had flown down early.(They were 350 ish yard away, mostly roosted a little way inside the woods.) Either they'd got cold enough or there was too much fog and morning dew for that distance, I dunno. But we learned the hard way they were still there when we scared them off. lol
I realized the other day when I saw it that I didn't use it at all this year, spring or fall. Its because I didn't get to hunt much at all, and can no longer hunt those fields even when I did. :(

Another thing I sort of hoped is that you'd be able to blood track with it, but learned it doesn't work. One because my unit's not made for looking up close at things, but more importably any blood cools so fast you'd have to start looking almost imeditely.