Good buck, Bad pics


5 year old buck +
Here are a couple pics from the Bushnell cam that I was trying to sell. Just gonna keep it. I put this cam up right by some water and corn field and woods all meet. It used to be a trail going in but its pretty over grown. I am gonna have to do a little clearing to get a better pic.

I saw his tracks out in my field this spring and knew he was a big bastard. Pretty much confirms it. The deer aint no slouch either. That's Buddy by the way. Surprised he strayed that far from the house. PICT0003.JPGPICT0004.JPG PICT0005.JPG PICT0006.JPG PICT0007.JPG
That looks like a lot of bone showing this early for a northern deer. Should be fun to watch that one grow.
Might be the same one as last year. If so he was quite large. I might have to try and bow hunt this year. This is the only pic I have from last year. PICT0010.JPG
Keep your trail narrow and the rest thick.