Gly for basal spraying ?


5 year old buck +
I always use 3:1 garlon 4 and diesel fuel for basal spraying buckthorn and autumn olive.
Is glyphoste an alternative that is affective? If so, what rate do you mix it at ?
Last winter I cut out a patch of 4-6" Black Locust (what a PITA!) and painted the stump with straight 41% Gly and blue food coloring (so I can see which stumps I treated). I am happy to say I have 100% success and no new suckers.

That was a stump treatment though, not sure if the results would be the same with basal.

Usually I use Tordon for a "hack n' squirt"...
I would have to look at the label for gly to see what it says - I have never used it in that manner personally.
As far as I know, glyphosate doesn't dissolve in oil well enough for using in basal bark applications. It will work for hack and squirt or cut stump though.

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Unless i have drilled into the base of the tree and used full strength gly, I have had no luck.

I have used diesel & Garlon4 at 3:1 diesel heavy on buckthorn with great success. I put it if a cleaned out dish soap bottle and run a ring about 4-6" above the root collar of the tree.

be careful, the garlon4 will get into the soil and can attack other freindly trees & shrubs.
As far as I know, glyphosate doesn't dissolve in oil well enough for using in basal bark applications.