
Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
Girl!? That was my 3 boys reaction when we introduced them to their new sister yesterday! My wife an I were beginning to think we didn't make girls after a hat trick of boys! But we are sure glad we did! I Thank the good lord for the blessings he has entrusted me with an pray every day that I can be the man my family an friends deserve!
Would like to introduce
Julia Marie Selsor
8.7lbs 21.25" long
Momma an Julia doing great! Well guarded by the band of brothers. All of which are raised with a lil gravel in their guts an spit in their eye;) I call the boyz my junkyard dogs:)
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Congrats, beautiful family!
Congrats Jordan!

BTW, your wife always look that beautiful right after having each kid? Dam Son!!
Congrats to you, your wife, and the boys !! Looks like a protective battery to me !! ^^^^ Baby sis will have it good.
I wouldn't want to be the first boy to date her with 3 older brothers threatening my life.

Congratulations, enjoy them, it goes fast...
Congrats. I am biased but girls are the best.
I wouldn't want to be the first boy to date her with 3 older brothers threatening my life.

Congratulations, enjoy them, it goes fast...

Yep, I can see Jordan and his 3 boys cleaning their guns when her first date shows up!......Bahahahahahaha!
Congrats Jordan! Out of three of my own kids and four grandkids I only have one girl myself. I kid her all the time about where did she come from. Enjoy them all, it goes by fast.
Congrats Jordan. Beautiful family!
Congratulations, u got a house full now. Lol
Congratulations and what a great thing to be thankful for on Thanksgiving! I have 2 brothers and a sister. I am sure we were protective of her, but I know we liked to tease her as well!:)
Your year has been outstanding and has only gotten better!
Congratulations you have a house full now !
Tks guys
These kids are allot of work but the joy they bring outweighs the work x 10. The red head gives me a run for my money somtimes haha. Not sure where he gets his bull headedness from lol
Congrats Jordan! Even with all those boys around I can tell you who will rule the roost!
Congrats Jordan. Do you plan on any more?
Congratulations Jordan!!! 3 boys vs 1 girl sounds like a fair fight to me. All I can say is......good luck boys. You're gonna need it!
Congrats Jordan. Do you plan on any more?

Being Catholic, and the fact they can't keep their hands off each other, I would say yes! I just wonder when he is putting the addition on the new house? LOL
That's the best picture I've seen on this sight yet - and there are some great pictures on this sight. I was the third of three boys before my sister came along. We were about those ages, then of course came two more boys and lastly another little sister. I can promise you this, those boys are going to really look out for that little girl. You can see the pride in their faces.

As an aside - my baby boys turned 22 today. They were born on thanksgiving too.