I have 2 screens of MG on my place and I am always expanding....
I grew my initial screen from cuttings from Bill.
The road screen is 3 layers... First layer closest to the road is a woven wire fence that I planted honeysuckle on (it is nearly an evergreen here)
The second layer is transplanted eastern red cedars (I dig them up when they are 12 to 36" tall in the early spring and relocate them.
The 3 layer is the MG. It grows well, doesn't like wet feet or the shade. Pic is from jan 2021....i have extended it's length. The red cedar will eventually be topped to prevent issues with the power line over head.

The second screen is where I took rhizomes from the first screen. I simply dug a small hole and planted the rhizomes in early spring. It is now 2 years old. It separates my plot from a large ag field. It will fill in over time and create a single layered wall.

Have have "plans" to use more of it to help create screens near other plots and some of my shooting houses as well.
I grew my initial screen from cuttings from Bill.
The road screen is 3 layers... First layer closest to the road is a woven wire fence that I planted honeysuckle on (it is nearly an evergreen here)
The second layer is transplanted eastern red cedars (I dig them up when they are 12 to 36" tall in the early spring and relocate them.
The 3 layer is the MG. It grows well, doesn't like wet feet or the shade. Pic is from jan 2021....i have extended it's length. The red cedar will eventually be topped to prevent issues with the power line over head.

The second screen is where I took rhizomes from the first screen. I simply dug a small hole and planted the rhizomes in early spring. It is now 2 years old. It separates my plot from a large ag field. It will fill in over time and create a single layered wall.

Have have "plans" to use more of it to help create screens near other plots and some of my shooting houses as well.