
Guys, a different angle on the top of the tree. Still say remove that limb

The branch I was suggesting was the lowest one in pic post #13 bottom left, I would cut it off almost flush with trunk and slap some treekote on the scar.
A.J. - I think many of our young trees grow more upright early on. Our Galarina trees did the same thing as yours. I just put some limb spreaders on them to train the limbs to better angles. I made my spreaders out of cheap lath. No big $$$ and they work. Then as the tree grows and the leader puts out more limbs, I prune off the lower ones until the lowest scaffolds are 6 ft. above ground. New young limbs further up the leader can be trained pretty well with clothes pins when they get to about 3" long. It takes a few years to get a really good shape on them. ( I learned to be patient from Maya !! )

Some varieties just have good branch angles on their own too. A couple wild seedlings I got from SLN 6 years ago have great angles with no help from me. No fruit yet, but the trees have great shape. We'll take whatever fruit they produce.
Charman - I'd also score above a couple buds on the leader to form new scaffold limbs further up the tree. I space mine around the leader so limbs come off at different angles, so they're not "stacked" right above each other. ( As in the above post, I also got the scoring directions from Maya. It works !! )

The CAR may not affect the apples when they start to produce. Some of the more experienced guys on here say it may only hit the leaves, not hinder the tree, and the fruit will be OK.
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Do those spreaders stay in place pretty well? Big storms or birds don't knock them off? Are they better than clothes pins? My young trees will be getting their first dose of tree yoga in a week or two.
Mortenson - Big winds can knock them out sometimes. I try to brace them against another limb collar if possible. I like clothes pins better, but I have to get them on early in a limb's development to get the best results. Then, later on, if a limb starts to go to vertical on me, I go to the limb spreaders. A combo of both ways seems to be the route I end up taking.
Do those spreaders stay in place pretty well? Big storms or birds don't knock them off? Are they better than clothes pins? My young trees will be getting their first dose of tree yoga in a week or two.
Yea they definitely fall off sometimes. I’ll m trying to get better at this branch angle thing